Fancia Pantalones

Trump is sleazy enough that he probably demanded it stay in there for ratings. It actually wouldn't surprise me if Trump supports Cosby even after the allegations - Cosby seems to be getting a lot of support from other right-wingers like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck.

To me its also showing which side Trump is on. He is probably like "this man clearly didn't do these things, women are ridiculous" and thought this was a good way to share is opinion and support of Bill Cosby.

Not enough has been said about that... I'd rather my five and eight year olds said "pissed the fuck off" than "wee weed up." Demented baby talk. The fuck does that even MEAN?

That was my exact thought when I read the words "wee wee'd up". The fuck?

Only in romantic comedies. Speaking as a card-carrying Handsome Man™, I can say with confidence that talking about settling down early isn't a sure thing.

I bet a meeellion dollars the dog is named Jill, as in Mrs. Joe Biden, and Hadassah as in Mrs. Joe Lieberman.

I wasn't apologizing for anything. When did I say they weren't to blame or what they did was understandable or acceptable or anything other than fucked up?

What's additionally horrifying is everyone taking a magnifying lense to her minute hand motions. Everyone who glommed onto this, particularly the Jezebel employees at the top of the queue, are behaving like parasites. Looks like we've returned once again to the Mean Girls paradigm.

Thank you so much for this reply. It perfectly and logically explains things. I have personally known parents who loved their child very much, but could not get their heads around the idea that being trans or gay was "wrong." I don't know Leelah's parents and I didn't know her. Teenagers, or really people in

It's kinda funny to me that Jezebel is describing another person as a "piece" - I feel like if someone in the media had called e.g. a celebrity's female companion his "piece" there'd be a little bit of an issue over here about objectification of a person who is obviously more than just a piece of ass.

Is this one of

I think the point that countesslemongrab was trying to make was that these parents were loving their child, in their way. They have a narrow worldview, informed by a narrow faith but that doesn't alter that they loved their child.

I agree with the first part of your post but many, many Christians are cremated. I think you may be generalizing based on a specific sect and making an unfounded accusation against parents who are, of course, completely terrible people we can already judge harshly based on their proven actions.

I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion on here but: to everyone who's saying stuff like "they didn't love their child so they have no right to grief" can really just stfu.

if there were any threats, it was from bigots for making some 'unatural/queer/blah blah' person.

I can't get very compassionate about the parents either, but there are likely many friends trying to grieve peacefully, and beyond that, people there who did love Leelah and didn't have the opportunity or position to counter her parents wrongminded interventions, and as far as we know, may not have even known about

You may be suffering from selective psychopathy then. Some parents are shitty for no real reason. They tend not to get death threats. These parents were shitty for religious reasons and now they've lost a child for making decisions that for most of us would be easy to make. For them, it wasn't. They made the wrong

It's on Deadspin too. I'm with you 100%, this is a private citizen who didn't commit any crime, having her face put on blast in three separate Gawker posts. And they solicit tips on who she is! Jezebel, this is WRONG.

When Adrien Chen outed Violentacrez all the way back in 2012 (an ice age in internet years) I was concerned about doxxing by Gawker Media writers. Michael Brutsch was a gross, hateful dude who deserved to be rolled in donkey poop and kicked through the town square for his publication of upskirt photos on Reddit . Many

Based on the longer video clip of the game I believe their team just made a bad play (or the other team made a very good one), so the OSU folks are upset about that.

It sounds even shittier at 45. I still dance, and I'm not dead yet. Crazy.