Fancia Pantalones

I don’t know you, but I’d bet that, at a minimum, the lives of your brother and parents would be so much less without you. I understand how weirdly seductive those voices can be and how much effort it takes to resist them. But you are doing it. And by doing it, you are a testimony that BPD is not a death sentence,

Thank you, Snack. I read the quote from the article where she said the former friend would just have been institutionalized or a burden to her family and I wanted to cry. Six months ago, I was recovering from a suicide attempt. Today, I’m setting up for my son’s D&D-themed birthday party and he thanked me for coming

This type of murder is going to continue to happen as long as we accept ageist and ableist excuses. Carolyn Hager was a person. She had a life that was of value, regardless of whether she was old or ill. Nobody else had the right to take it away from her. Where’s our sympathy for a woman who was murdered by her

What I find sad is the number of people who find it acceptable for a man to kill his wife when he decides she’s too much of a burden. Just because you are old and sick and need medicine doesn’t mean your life is meaningless. He made a choice to kill this woman in cold blood. Stop blaming the government and drug

Yes, she had medical issues and yes, medication is expensive. But what had he done to try to get her medicine? Did he talk to their family and friends? Did he contact charities in their area? It seems like pride and control may have played a significant role here. He decided she’d be better off dead, giving her no

Mostly the former. But also, Oklahoma is the home of prosperity Christianity, the belief that God will materially reward you if you are righteous. And we’re going through a hard time here financially. The bottom has fallen out of the energy industry and the state government has run out of money for stuff like

“I certainly hope you’re addressing your anger issues” is the kind of condescending bullshit you expect from a man when you tell him your name isn’t Sweetie. So there’s your style manual — try not to sound like a MRA when addressing someone’s lived experience.

When a prosecutor states there is enough evidence to press charges, that does not mean “the accusations were dismissed.”

This is completely incorrect. The prosecutor in the case stated that there was probable cause to go ahead with charges, but Dylan was so fragile that he didn’t want to pursue them. Woody spent millions of dollars pursing his allegations that Dylan had been coached and he lost every time. This information is public

Bill Wilson didn’t charge people. He was actually offered the opportunity to set up for-profit AA clinics and he declined. And he didn’t send his minions out to trash people who had issues with AA. Probably most importantly, he was offering a solution that he’d applied to his OWN alcoholism. He wasn’t selling

Oh sweetie. It’s just so cute that you think I’d need to pay your cult leader to help me find a man or success. I’ve got both, on my terms. But if I wanted to be a Cool Girl, I could figure it out for free.

I think you’ll find it’s a product. Or a coaching service. Or a ship, cleverly disguised as a phone box, that allows you to travel through time and is much larger on the inside than you’d think.

But International, et al. were given the opportunity to comment. They declined. Your criticisms might be valid if he or Shana had been interviewed and were misrepresented. Even in this comment section, people from SSM have been asked for specifics about what SSM has done for them. You’re the only one who’s answered

I keep reading and reading what Tealstar wrote, but I can’t see where she mentions skinny women. The level of hostility to her comments is puzzling. It’s lingerie.

So if it’s just about attraction and International is so brilliant and altruistic, why doesn’t he offer his insights to older women? I’m going to take a wild guess that he doesn’t offer them to fat women, either. How many women over 200 pounds attend your little gatherings?

I feel sorry for you that your definition of an “amazing” relationship is one in which you are perpetually a teenager. A quality man would want you to grow and develop, not babble vapidly like a high schooler. Because unless you die young, you’re not going to be hot forever.

So when women fail to call the cops or otherwise report threats, they’re exaggerating as well? Or is it that they don’t believe there’s any point?

Maybe she means that both partners in a troubled marriage can end up cheating. So a woman might be both a Beyonce and a Becky, just in different relationships. Idk, I didn’t click through to the essay because I am just about at maximum capacity for this whole thing. I feel like Mr. Rogers needs to pop up on my screen

Yes, everyone else is giving JayZ less flack because a) he gets called out on the album and b) that seems like it’s part of the penance he’s doing to his wife. He is not publicly gloating about his affair. I truly cannot help you to understand this any further.

It was corn syrup and Pet Milk. My dad was fed it, too.