Fancia Pantalones

Really? This person writes a narrative about standing up and doing the right thing, even at cost to herself, and your only response is some smug comment about organized religion? That is some weak sauce.

Why do people say this? They’re just eyes. Dark brown eyes with epicanthal folds. So unless by “evil” you mean Asian, there’s nothing remarkable about them.

Well, sure. There are always going to be women who haven’t found the right married man to hit on. Yet.

Exactly. And that’s often part of the narrative for women who cheat with ordinary men, as well. They have to tell themselves (and sometimes others) about their “connection” with their “true soul mate” and how the wife “just doesn’t understand.” For such a special and unique situation, it sure happens a lot.

It’s possible that the two parties have been trying to settle this claim and have finally realized that they can’t. It’s also possible that Kendall has only recently been able to scrape enough money together to hire someone to take her case, which doesn’t necessarily mean it’s without merit.

Says a woman who hits on married men.

Wait, what? How does staying with a serial cheater mean you don’t believe men and women deserve equal rights? Is that written in the super secret feminist handbook? Or is it because YOU wouldn’t stay with a serial cheater, that has to be the only route a feminist can take?

They get put in prison, dude. Have you not been paying attention?

Yeah, you think you’re being all compassionate and progressiver-than-thou, but you’re really just coming across as contrary and unhealthily detached. You don’t really empathize with this man, you just want to seem different from us boring folks who are horrified at the unnecessary death of a child.

No, YOU are deflecting from the argument with your feeble attempt to shut down discussion about gender and language. If you guys had just admitted that it was a terrible choice of words, then you could be engaging in the discussion you keep claiming you want. What more could be said? But you refuse to, and it’s part

Yeah, you childish women. Be adults. Stop whining. Quit being victims. Calm down. There is absolutely nothing here to get upset about and we all know that because a person with a penis says so.

Exactly. There’s a whole heap o’ projection going on there. Like the whole reason the friend even got married was to have an event she could invite “Swiftie” to. That’s not how most folks operate.

And in what benevolent country, pray tell, do voters elect a leader based solely upon who will most benefit the citizens of OTHER nations?

Someone needs to tell her that you only flip off the camera when someone ELSE is taking the picture.

I don’t even understand what you’re saying here. I mean, I understand the words individually, but they’re a complete fail as a coherent argument.

No one has EVER said that vaccines don’t have side effects. Before your kid is vaccinated, you are required to read a standardized brochure published by the CDC that lists all possible side effects, including permanent neurological damage or death. And you read that same brochure every time your kid gets shots. So if

Wait, you mean like a doctor who faked a study showing that vaccines cause autism so he could market his own special non-autism-causing vaccine?

This. The anti-babysitter crowd drives me nuts. I have two older teens and when they were small, we didn’t get out much to non-kid places. A sitter would be half the cost of an evening. But hey, nobody forced us to have children and it’d be ridiculous to expect the entire world to become kid friendly for our

It’s a paradox in the minds of most of the people listening to Rubio.

No, you’re not. That might be the job you wish you had, or the job you want to have when you grow up or the job you pretended to have in your 7th grade class play. But it’s not the job you have now, you sad little man.