Fancia Pantalones

It’s not a problem that you, or the commentariat of Jezebel or even the Yale student body knows nothing about this case. It’s a fucking disciplinary hearing at a private institution. It’s designed so that the general public doesn’t know about it. The only reason any of us are aware that Montague got expelled is

Montague’s father released the information that he’d been expelled. Yale does not have an obligation to protect the reputation of former (or current) students from their parents.

Yeah, but that was only in the movies. Color didn’t come to real life until 1971. Even then, you had to use a big expensive set to get it. Hell, there are still places in Mississippi and Oklahoma that are just in black and white.

Except, you know, that whole thing where she wasn’t holding elected office in 1994. That was actually an objection many Democrats had to her; as First Lady she was supposed to bake cookies and read to dogs, not try to effect policy. I normally am not bothered when non-Americans have opinions about our political

Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing! And we have a winner! It took you what—four posts?— to start in with the anatomical references. When are you guys going to figure it out? The reason many women aren’t comfortable with Bernie is because his supporters tar him with their great big ol’ sexist brush. It’s like you’re not nearly

This is not about you. No one has derided you here, they’ve made the point that women literally have skin in this game. You objecting to that is like claiming that men know what it’s like to give birth. You don’t. And really, you’re not much help as an ally if you expect some woman to tend to your ego every ten

The mentally ill — those millions of us who have never, and will never, commit crimes — do not need this kind of advocacy, thanks. Positing that every person who does a terrible thing might have a mental illness just excuses the othering we already face.

I wasn’t minimizing your friend’s experience; I was commenting on your lack of understanding of a complex social issue in a country an ocean away from yours. Race is a problem in America in large part because much of our infrastructure was built using centuries of black slave labor. Most black Americans are

Again, racism in Europe may be a problem. However, it’s not a problem in the same institutionalized way that it is in the US. It might be helpful to read up on the issue before assuming that all we need to overcome racism here is positive thinking. Otherwise you come across as extremely arrogant and privileged.

I am going to take a wild guess here that you are not an American. I’m basing that on your use of the term “black” as a noun and the way you speak English. Nothing wrong with that, but we have a particular history of racism in this country that’s very difficult for non-Americans to grasp. Even places like Congo and

Yes, thank you. Northerners miss that last one. CONTEXT, people, we do use it south of the Mason-Dixon Line!

You know, Deborah, I picked that dress because green was flattering to everyone in the wedding party. It’s not ALWAYS about YOU.

Because keeping families together, and wives from being murdered, is considered important. You can agree or not, it’s just how the law works.

I believe that allowing people to shit on themselves in the street, where they have the freedom to walk around and clean themselves up, is better than allowing people to shit on themselves while restrained and unable to help themselves, yes. Because make no mistake, the latter is what happens in institutions today.

Do you have some kind of evidence for that, or are you just patting yourself and people like you on the back? Because I volunteer for a lot of things, and young single people are not the majority.

But you’d have a hard time with someone who refused to hire you because of your antitheist beliefs, right? Even though you’d clearly be problematic in a diverse work place? Because you are no different than the most pernicious fundamentalist Christian ever. Seriously, you’re the flip side of Fred Phelps.

Wait, weren’t you just arguing for debtor’s prisons and asylums above? Although I have to say that arguing for an escalation in the war on drugs is consistent with your obvious inability to learn from the past.

Yeah, actually, if you knew anything about the history of institutionalization in this country, you’d know that allowing people to defecate on themselves while walking the streets IS more humane than what happened to them in institutions. So let’s not pretend that you’re interested in the well being of these folks.

You contribute more financially, maybe. Don’t confuse paying taxes with value as a human being. There are plenty of people on assistance who contribute to their communities in other ways, by volunteering and mentoring others with addiction and mental illness, for example.

So, as a transwoman, how much support do you think you’ll get from Donald Trump or Ted Cruz? How much funding for mental health will either of those candidates provide?