Fancia Pantalones

I agree that there’s something unusual about the father’s behavior. It could have been shock and fear, it could have been that he was drunk and not tremendously effective in getting help or it could be that there’s more to the story. You’re not a rape apologist for questioning the behavior of a parent who drinks with

Right, but that doesn’t explain the especially bro-centric attitude that’s coming out in response to this article. The situation in which women most consistently need emergency contraception is when they’ve been raped. I’m sure you’re aware of the issues surrounding sexual assault in the industry although, presumably,

Because rapists rarely use condoms on request. Because condoms break and birth control pills become ineffective under a variety of circumstances. How about you not voicing an opinion about contraception (or having sex, for that matter) until you actually know how it works.

What is with all of you guys coming out of the woodwork to comment on this particular Jezebel article today? Is it coming up on some men’s health aggregator or something?

Also, if IBM ran an office where employees were regularly victims of sexual assault by other employees and customers, I’d expect them to at least stock Plan B for purchase.

Yes, but black friends get all upset about our BEST Halloween costume ideas. And not like in the funny outraged black people videos we trade, either.

Because they’re quoting from the legal pleadings, which apparently weren’t proofread before filing. Apparently Sandar Bvlgari can’t even get his attorneys to take him seriously.

I LOATHE women who do this whole “Well, I don’t know whether he’s a serial murderer or not, he was always very gentlemanly to me” thing. Like the bodies in his basement or, in this case, the price gouging of a life-saving drug, could really all be a misunderstanding.

That’s Naomi Wolf. Who figuratively and literally made your point decades ago. Have a nice evening.

I don’t even know that it’s a guy, do you? You’re not coming across as particularly feminist here; you’re coming across as privileged and mean. God forbid the commenter should find women of color or heavier women or brunettes or even —GASP! —men more attractive. As far as unnecessary comments, you could have kept this

I think maybe the photo you wanted to make your point with was this one. Way less thirsty.

Don’t feel bad. It’s really ok that you don’t find thin blonde white women the epitome of attractiveness. She’s just so privileged that it’s never occurred to her that someone might find women of a different size or ethnicity or hell, even shade of bottle blonde more appealing.

Really? You post a photo of yourself, very thin, labeled as “TOTALLY FUCKABLE” in the comment section of an essay about struggling with the labels folks put on fat women. Then you deny you did it for compliments, but get miffed when a single commenter says s/he finds the photo pretty but not necessarily hot.

You do realize that almost every citation in that article was a) not published or b) from publications dedicated to the treatment of sexual offenders? With the exception of a few statistics from the Department of Justice, everyone involved has a vested interest in minimizing the dangerousness of offenders. Or hasn’t

Or her “feature film” is gonna be directed by Joe Francis.

Yes! The magic of Christmas is a doll that was invented a little over a decade ago and Santa. Fuck all that peace and goodwill and kindness to all crap. You’re clearly depriving your child.

We’ve never done Elf on the Shelf because it’s just creepy. It also sends the completely wrong message to kids about Christmas. If you’re a Christian, you know that God didn’t send Baby Jesus because humanity was GOOD. And if you’re not Christian, you know that peace and goodwill are not remarkable if their objects

I don’t know. This judge’s husband was held personally liable for $1M for defamation arising from a bad rape prosecution. Not his former employer, the prosecutor’s office, him personally. So strange things (and justice) do sometimes happen.

I think there is some fear of this judge in the local legal community, too. Each of these children was appointed a guardian ad litem. But when the judge was haranguing the kids, threatening them with indefinite incarceration, none of them objected. I can’t imagine thinking it was in the best interest of my 9 or 12 or

These kids weren’t engaging in “bad behavior”. They don’t want to have a relationship with their father. A court can’t order you to have a relationship with anyone, which this judge doesn’t seem to understand. She can order the kids to spend time with their father, but she can’t order them to like him.