Fancia Pantalones

You know how we all agreed not to compare people we don’t agree with to Hitler because that’s inflammatory and never literally true? Here, you are ACTUALLY advocating the same position as Hitler. And, on behalf of my family and others who’ve adopted special needs kids, FUUUUCK YOU.

Because once the baby is born alive (and it IS a baby, once it’s born) , it is a separate human being with rights. That’s true in every state. In addition, Tennessee imposes specific criminal penalties on medical staff who do not intervene in this type of situation.

Abortion after 20 weeks is severely restricted in most US states.

Fortunately, she’s a pretty cautious and level headed kid. But some of these issues just get forced upon you. So yeah, I worry.

Well, she hasn’t read the book, so she just assumed the prostitution thing was as glossed over as in the movie. Honestly, I think a lot of it is my SIL’s need for control. She honestly believes that her kids are unaware of anything she hasn’t allowed them to know. I keep trying to gently suggest that isn’t the case

My sister in law was recently having a hissy fit because my 8th grade niece’s class was reading Speak, a YA novel about a girl who is raped by a classmate and then ostracized by her peers. The SIL felt that my niece was not ready to learn about “this sort of thing” and insisted that my niece had no idea that rape was

Wow. I tried to be understanding of your situation and just explain my own experience and viewpoint. So let me be blunt: neither your bipolar nor your personality disorder are an excuse for being a belligerently ignorant bitch. Have a great evening.

I appreciate your attempt to educate her. As someone with BPD, my life is immeasurably better because Marsha Linehan and others were willing to do the science. It’s amazing how many people get better once doctors stop telling them they’re incurably evil.

People who have borderline personality disorder — a cluster B disorder — seek treatment at very high rates. Their lives are extremely painful and difficult and, while their personal turmoil may be difficult for those around them, they hurt themselves more than anyone else. There have been multiple studies

You’ve worked with mentally ill people so much you can diagnose it by looking at a photograph? That’s AMAZING. Even doctors can’t do that. Just think of the money the medical system could save by doing away with diagnostic visits and having you look at pictures!

Having antisocial personality traits is not the same as having antisocial personality disorder. Anyone who has an extensive criminal history has antisocial traits. And even if he does have ASPD, so what? That doesn’t make him less culpable or more worthy of sympathy. People with ASPD know right from wrong and are

I cannot star this enough. He’s a terrorist, plain and simple, and he should be treated as one. And we need to treat domestic terrorists the way we treat foreign ones. Did you know that Eric Robert Rudolph, the guy who bombed the Olympics, a lesbian bar and a couple of abortion clinics, is still allowed to write

Here’s the thing: I do not care about this man’s mental illness. He’s a terrorist and needs to be dealt with accordingly. Nobody is interested in the history or mental status of the men imprisoned at Guantanamo; they’re (supposed) terrorists and that’s sufficient to keep them locked up. Dear needs to be interrogated

When nonwhite people shoot others, it’s called gang violence or terrorism. And the phenomenon of deliberately killing random strangers because you’re unhappy is a largely white male one. That’s what we’re talking about here, not other kinds of murders.

I’ll be damned. My mother makes this crime against humanity. She likes it and she’s always sworn that other people do, too. Turns out she wasn’t lying.

Those aren’t the only reasonable possibilities. The story was relayed by a woman who DID escape ISIS. Moreover, even if she hadn’t escaped, she wouldn’t necessarily have murdered someone. The fact that she was trying to escape indicates that she might have had issues with killing people. Even if she had to die, there

A teenager being beaten to death is never the “best of all reasonably possible outcomes.” I’m guessing you’re voting for Trump?

That’s like asking when people stop getting taller. It varies. There seems to be a general consensus that teenagers are much more impressionable than adults.

You seem to be trying to make a point, but it’s not clear what. Any time a person is beaten to death, it’s sad. Regardless of gender, nationality or any other defining characteristic. Are you insinuating that Jezebel commenters only care when it’s teenage girls?

Actually, I have a couple of friends who’ve had preemptive mastectomies and said the same thing as Lioba. They weren’t sick, they had surgery to keep from getting sick and their situation is much milder than someone who has a mastectomy while fighting actual cancer. It’s a valid point to say Angelina shouldn’t be held