Fancia Pantalones

I think what people appreciate is that she’s making it sound like a manageable situation. She said she hasn’t had a terrible reaction to being in menopause, which is a nice change from ENJOY SUFFERING WHILE YOU TRANSITION FROM VALUABLE PERSON TO WORTHLESS OLD CRONE, as the media tells us. It would be great if the

Or she was living in her car and didn’t have access to electricity outside the library. That doesn’t make it ok for her to cook it amongst the stacks, obviously, and you seem sensitive to the issue. But some of the Homeless Folks Do The Funniest Things responses to your story suck.

Homeless people. If you’re living in your car, there’s nowhere to plug in your crockpot.

Not to interrupt your ableist tirade here, but sometimes people just act like assholes. Maybe they have poor impulse control or are racist or are drunk, but not every unfathomable person is “off their meds”. Crazy people are far more likely to be the victims of violence than the perpetrators.

Why are those the only choices?

Yes, please. He’s just parroting the middle-school -level arguments on the most basic of male rights boards. It’s not even clever misogynistic discourse.

I have yet to meet a person who believes in choice and believes in policing pregnant women. And I live in Oklahoma, one of the epicenters of the anti-science fight. Folks here might not believe in vaccines, but they do understand that eating well, taking vitamins, avoiding drugs and alcohol are good for developing

Keep in mind that you’re not the only person who’s had fertility problems. It took us 4 years and three losses before we finally had a child. It’s a long road for many of us and being bitter and resentful of other moms makes it longer. Yeah, you fucked up. And yeah, everyone fucks up. But we’re not horrible people for

Not cool. Your fertility problems are not justification for publishing photos of a child of a sex worker. I hope that if you are fortunate enough to have a kid, people don't throw up pictures of the two of you on the internet labeled "This child's mom takes out her frustrations on innocent kids." Because just like the

Some of you newer writers at Jez need to develop a thicker skin. If you write for a large enough audience, some people are not going to like what you write. And believing in yourself is great, but ain’t none of y’all the defining voice of American journalism —yet. The only way you’re going to get to be is if you learn

Also Nazism.

While I don’t argue that blind people contribute to society, they are dependent to an extent that most sighted people are not. Moreover, there’s a difference between one’s natural dependence and the dependence one creates. If someone wanted to be brain damaged to the point where they needed custodial care, would you

But this woman is not functioning perfectly well. She’s made herself dependent on other people forever. Arguably that, plus the attention she gets from articles like this one, are the reason she went through with her plan. Not to mention the fact that she can’t take responsibility for the choice she’s made — no

It took me too long to figure out how to make this STOP. As the mom of teens, FUCK YOU. Nobody wants this.

You can wear whatever color you want at your wedding, regardless of whether you’ve had sex. Nobody’s going to snicker, unless you wear hunter orange or have terrible friends. Seriously, at 29 you should not be worrying about this.

I’m confused as to why you’re so hostile about this — it was an actual statement, made in regard to sexually exploitive advertising on Soviet TV. Are you saying the speaker was full of shit because there were bikini-clad beer girls on television in the USSR? Or are you mad that people aren’t fawning over themselves

Right, but you honestly told your husband that someone was being unkind to both you and him. That’s healthy and normal behavior. The LW trashed her fiancé to her family and then got upset when her cousin was loyal and concerned about her. Instead of reassuring the cousin and taking her lumps, she’s damseled to her

Yes, but this is not that.

No, sorry. Your cousin wouldn’t have known anything about your situation unless you’d been talking to her or someone else who was talking to her. She didn’t pick up on this stuff through her psychic powers. So you were bitching about your fiancé and she took your words seriously. She was concerned about you when you

I have started to think this, as well. It’d be one thing if she were just incoherent, but if you look at her half rhymes and loose associations, it’s like she’s screaming for help while impersonating a beat poet.