Fancia Pantalones

“This attitude that you are happy despite society is destructive and harmful and needs to stop.”

I realize you’re a troll and not a doctor and have never seen the inside of a first class aircraft cabin, but there’s a point that you’ve made very clearly here. You hate fat people. And so you think you’re entitled to harass them and express your anger in any environment that might be in any way empowering to them.

Well, here we are, Mr. Science. Just because it hasn’t happened to you, it must never happen! That must really suck for the non-fat, non-lazy people who come into your ED with unusual conditions. I don’t need to know who you are to know what a shitty provider you must be. You’ve told us yourself. You think your

Are you unfamiliar with the fact that Kinja will occasionally cut people off mid-post or publish multiple copies of the same post? It’s a glitch in the actual system and it happens to someone almost daily. People talk about it all the time. Go back and look at my posts; see how often it’s happened to me and tell me

Double post

I’m 100% sure that your anger and resentment of obese patients does NOT make you a better professional. There are plenty of people who have empathy and are able to make important decisions all the time. It’s called being objective, which you’re clearly not. If your patients knew how much you hated them, they’d want

I’m 100% sure that your anger and resentment of obese people does NOT make you a better professional. There are plenty of people who have empathy and are able to make important decisions all the time. You’re presenting a false dichotomy, not to mention plagiarizing heavily from A Few Good Men.

I don’t think you read that carefully. It specifically says that tolerance, physical dependence and withdrawal syndrome are NOT necessary for addiction. People get addicted to tanning because the light changes neurotransmitter levels in the brain.

You don’t have to stop doing it. Just know that you may be attempting to educate people who already HAVE the enlightenment you think you’re giving them. It doesn’t have to be pseudoscience to not be applicable in their situation. My illness is caused by a genetic mutation. There are all kinds of medicines to treat

Who is making laws about carbohydrates? If anything, our government PROMOTES carbohydrate consumption at dangerous, obesity-causing levels. All I’m saying is that it’s offensive to assume that other people are just ignorant and that’s why they behave the way they do. It might be an understandable assumption when

I still don’t get this. Are you some sort of nutrition expert? Why would you not assume, when you’re in a group of reasonably educated, articulate women, that those women wouldn’t have access to the same information that you do? If they’re doing something that doesn’t make sense to you, it could be because they’re

I am angry that people like you work at jobs for which they lack the most basic qualification, empathy. I’m angry that you don’t have to walk around looking the way you actually are — petty and miserable and ugly — when you assume that everyone else’s appearance reflects who THEY actually are. And mostly I’m angry

How do you know what she needs to eat? Do you know her personally? Are you her physician or dietician? No? Then shut up about it. Your post is like someone saying “I believe women should have access to abortion, but not as a form of birth control.” It’s not your business what any other adult eats, period.

That’s interesting because there’s not a single man of my acquaintance who’s unclear about what rape is. They understand the concept of consent. They understand that our understanding of individual rights and agency develops over time. And, FTR, none of them feels like their game has suffered by being clear about


Really? There’s nothing at all gendered by telling a woman they could be naked if it weren’t for her? Or the whole calm down ma’am thing?

How is your enjoyment being ruined when you don’t get to be a douchebag to a woman? Is that literally the only way you can have fun, by saying demeaning and inappropriate things to someone? One would think hiking in the rain forest, seeing wildlife, going to a hot springs, etc. would be enjoyable. If not, why not just

Do you think they talk that way in front of their moms? In front of a female boss at work? Because, if not, they knew that it wasn’t universally acceptable behavior and that they weren’t perfectly justified to engage in it. As, I suspect, do you.

Of course you’re ok with it! The whole point of this story is that you can’t assume everyone is ok with nonPC humor and you should keep a lid on it when you’re around strangers. I’m going to guess that if you were the only man on a trip full of women, cackling and sex jokes and period talk would get pretty old. Even

That’s an excellent question. I’m leaning toward “for real”, but that’s just because I would not put so much effort into a thread unless I actually cared. I think there’s an inexhaustible number of shallow men out there who really believe that not cursing and assaulting people is all they’re required to do as humans.