Fancia Pantalones

If you’re into semantics, you should really know the difference between nice and good. Many psychopaths are nice. The guy in this story probably thought he was being nice to start with. Later events revealed him to be less than good, however.

The chance that your house will be broken into is low. Do you lock your doors when you go on vacation? Do you talk about people you know who’ve been burglarized?

You left out Florida.

Maybe instead of being a Nice Guy, you should try being a good person. Then there’d be less confusion.

What if I, the innocent bystander being threatened, don’t want you to engage in violence on my behalf? That’s been my question from the beginning. So far you’ve answered a) rendering someone unconscious is not violence, b) I am taking this too personally and need therapy, c) you would have done a better job than this

I assumed (correctly) that you were a man because only men think gender is irrelevant. And guess what? Women don’t need men like you to go around saying how you’ll “neutralize” threats to us. This was an article about a woman who was abused by the police and you turned it into thumping your chest with your fists of

The only good outcome in this case is that Brian Biddix is no longer a police officer in Daytona. Ideally, he will not ever be a law enforcement officer anywhere. He was callous, didn’t follow procedure and lied in his report. Next, Daytona Police Chief Mike Chitwood, who created a culture in which that was acceptable

No, people who have been involuntarily hospitalized (meaning they were a threat to themselves or others), refuse to comply with treatment and return to being a threat need to be hospitalized. Most of the time, when a woman with mental illness kills her child, she’s been unable to receive treatment or to remain in the

When you state you’re going to hurt people in my name, or anyone woman’s name, you take away our agency. We are human beings just like you and we have the right to decide what actions we want taken on our behalf. It’s that simple — no couch to lie down on, nothing to discuss. If you choose to harm someone, you pay the

Let me guess, you had to register your hands as deadly weapons at the local police station.

They’re authorized to use proportionate force to get the situation under control. They’re not allowed to use force to punish a person for lack of cooperation. That’s where you guys always seem to miss the point. “She peed in his car and was a jerk.” Yeah, we have a system to deal with that and it’s not shoving people

You ARE a dick-swinging asshole, however. What if I, the innocent bystander, don’t WANT you to hurt someone else? I can take care of myself, thank you.

I know! It’s like baby talking about sex. You can just see some stupid 30 something woman thinking she’s cute talking about “sexing with my bae.” YUCK.

But see, it’s not YOUR job to assess the risk. You obviously think you’re an expert on this subject and therefore qualified to make a decision about the sex life of someone else for their own good. But you’re not. I don’t care how much education you have or experience working with elderly people, you don’t know that

I don’t understand the point of this piece. Two years ago a criminal flipped off a camera in his jail cell. To the extent Dzhokhar Tsarenev’s getting what he wants, you’re giving it to him.

The point is that people with dementia are children who should have outsiders decide their capacity to consent to activity with their partner of decades? Somehow, I think that when you’re in this position, you’ll see it a bit differently. Personally, I don’t want to spend the last years of my life with authority

Two of your grandparents, after initiating sex with a partner of many years, would have instantaneously become confused and believed they were being raped by this same partner? Because that is really remarkable and not at all consistent with the facts in this case. The woman was happy to see her husband and was

I guess, as someone who is fond of children (my own and others), I got a little distracted by the idea of an 8 year old having to face the possibility of having HIV or hepatitis. And missed the much more important point, which was that he “should have known better.” Unless he was developmentally disabled in which case

What you are here is way overinvested. Your nephew doesn’t put things in his mouth. You don’t put things in your mouth. Congratufuckinglations. You’re still finding fault with a child who’s facing months of medical testing and potentially a life threatening disease over an incident that rests squarely on the shoulders

And let’s not forget the mentally ill. If I’m manic and feeling good and want to have sex with my spouse, is he legally required to turn me down? After all, I’m probably not competent to sign a contract at that point. What if I’m just hypomanic? Probably the best thing is just for no one to ever have sex with the