Fancia Pantalones

Except it doesn’t work that way. People with dementia don’t just “switch into a bad episode”. I think it’s so interesting that many of the people wanting these bright line rules about consent don’t seem to have spent much time around people with Alzheimer’s or developmental disabilities or chronic mental illness.

Look, if you’re too busy and important to teach your children tolerance and empathy, that’s one thing. But don’t blame the victim and don’t make it sound like an impossible task. We all make choices about the values we teach our kids. Mine have NEVER gone to a party and refused to interact with the birthday child or

Did your dad go around showing people photographs of himself grinning and holding up the defenseless animals he’d killed? Because, if so, your dad might be a sociopath.

You know what? People do listen when you say “We’re broke, could you please help us with gift cards for formula and diapers?” When they don’t listen is when you’ve chosen to spend your money furnishing a designer nursery and buying baby an iPad instead of taking care of necessities. And when you’re tacky about

I read to my kids at night, as part of our bedtime ritual. They’d eat dinner, have a bath and then rock and read a couple of books. If they wanted to chew, I’d give them a teether.

Criminal convictions do not require “clear and convincing evidence”; they require proof beyond a reasonable doubt. The proposedstatute provides a substantially lower hurdle, since it doesn’t involve depriving someone of their liberty. I wondered how long it would take until someone raised the “bitches be lying”

A one-cup serving of black beans is like 227 calories and a half-cup serving of brown rice is half that. Three meals times 340 calories is 1020 calories a day. That’s not enough to sustain a person who actually has to work.

Yes, but the current protocol for treating acne (even by physicians who are concerned about antibiotic resistance) is short-term antibiotic plus a retinoid. It's an effective treatment and doesn't result in resistance. The problem is when people use lower-dose antibiotics alone over a longer period of time while they

The same way they deny the heritage of 15 million Kurds who, until fairly recently, weren’t allowed to speak their own language. There are many admirable things about Turkish people, their government is not one of them.

He’s the archetype for white male rage.

Right. What if you’re, say, South Asian or Pacific Islander?

Really? This is your takeaway from school posters telling young women of color “don’t think you’re better than anyone else” and “respect anyone who’s older than you”? Imma let you finish, ladies, but I LOVE my Nook? I guess E readers are especially good for the point-blind.

Harassing brown people and dressing male inmates in pink clothing. Seriously, he thinks that’s a great way to shame them.

Ultimately, it’s just confirmation bias in action. And conservatives LOVE their confirmation bias.

This is something I’ve heard, too. And I just wonder why they don’t think “Men must all be rapists, look at the Duke football case.” Because it’s the same logic.

It seems like some people (not anyone in these comments, but generally) are trying so hard to find a connection to these events. And the louder they yell about how it affected them, the more tenuous the connection. I had one guy tell me how bad 9/11 was for him because he lived in Connecticut. Connecticut, FFS.

I appreciate your answer and that you’re trying to work through it. As I mentioned further down, I’m from Oklahoma and had to make those same calls when the Murrah Building was bombed. But I think it was a different time and we have a somewhat different culture here. I can tell you that Timothy McVeigh’s death did not

It’s not an odd hill to die on at all. If you believe that the death penalty is wrong, you believe that even the worst criminals should not be put to death. Anything else — questions of guilt, process, competence — is just arguing about the ways in which the death penalty is acceptable.

I don’t believe in the death penalty, either, and I don’t understand why being from New England would have anything to do with one’s thoughts on this case. I live in Oklahoma. Almost exactly twenty years ago today, my father was a block away from the Murrah Building when it blew up. One hundred sixty eight people died

I have a question here — do you live in/near Boston? Because since 9/11, I’ve noticed this trend of people saying “I live/work/have visited X terror attack site and I think...” Like geographical vicinity gives their opinion more weight. And that’s just bewildering to me.