Fancia Pantalones

Not 10 years ago, TWENTY. She was 1994's "It Girl". That was the year up and comer Brad Pitt made Interview With The Vampire.

I wish I was shaped for this because it would become the only thing I ever wore.

They STILL come in rainbow colors, for cheap! I buy them at the Dollar Tree to use on little kids whose faces I'm painting. They're 30 for $1 and the girls act like I have given them a valuable gift when I say "Just keep them." They work perfect on American Girl hair, too.

So you know a bunch of people who are assholes when women are around and your answer is for women just to disappear? You realize that people who are assholes online are also assholes in real life, right? So do you believe women should not appear in public at all, or that we should just be veiled and silent?

I just want to say that this is SO much better than the elderly lady image. It's just perfect.

There is no amount of personal style or creativity that will make THOSE palazzo pants anything but hideous. She acknowledges that the shape might work in a solid, but all the store had was that nasty floral. This is the Hobson's choice available to plus-sized folks everywhere.

This is not a problem exclusive to plus-sized clothes. I had this problem when I was a size 2. It's because designers just randomly pick measurements for their clothes.

You were dating in Afghanistan?

I think you may have been misinformed — Justine Sacco wasn't lynched at all! She's still alive and well. She did lose her job as head of PR for a large company; turns out people don't want to pay you tons of money to manage their image when you can't keep your own foot out of your mouth. But I don't think anyone

My point is that if any of these anti-vaxxers got plague or cholera, they'd be using modern medical treatment to survive. But when it comes to vaccinations, Gandhi 's considered a medical genius.

Yeah, if you read the actual excerpt from his book, Gandhi advocates treating plague with cold wraps and mud packs. Cholera, too.

What decent human wouldn't get into an argument with that kind of smugly ignorant person?

Wait, you left out the part where he and the kid drive away in a Bentley, lighting their Cuban cigars with twenties and laughing at all you suckers who have to work.

I felt bad for the kid, too. Teenagers don't have fully developed brains and they don't exhibit a ton of common sense sometimes. He didn't appear to have deliberately hassled the server; he didn't deserve to have his food fucked with on what was probably a big treat for him. In fairness, this story really bothered me

Yes, and Gandhi believed smallpox was caused by impurities in the bowels that expressed themselves in a skin rash. I wonder how many folks who post this quote have had smallpox. What do you mean, none? How can that be possible, if vaccines are dirty and unnecessary?

She's posted here, I think.

Well, isn't that nice for YOU? And really, that should be the basis on which we make all decisions, what's good for us as individuals.

Pregnancy isn't a disability, but it does change your body. When I was pregnant with my daughter during a blazing hot summer, I blew out multiple pairs of shoes while standing through hearings and carrying cases of documents while older, senior men sat or carried nothing. Literally, my feet would get so swollen that

Dude, Andrea Yates did not have five sons; she had four sons and a daughter. She also had terrible psychosis and was advised not to have any more children, but her husband insisted. On the day of the murders, her husband left her alone with the children against the psychiatrist's orders. She wasn't "crazed", she was

Don't forget "habitual aborter", the scientific term for being a woman who's had multiple miscarriages.