Fancia Pantalones

It's "bated breath". As in holding one's breath in anticipation for something to happen. Not "bait" as in worms on a hook. Weren't you just lecturing us on how intelligent you are?

I am sure you DO have larger balls than me. Being a woman, I don't have any balls. So in addition to being unfamiliar with the way women talk, you have a limited understanding of our anatomy.

See, women don't talk like this. This is the language and values of posturing men. You're not even picking up on the fact that multiple commenters share my opinion that you're not a woman. You have completely undermined any credibility you might have started with because you don't even remember what you've said from

Bullshit. You're not a daughter of anybody. You're a man posing as a woman because you think it will give some legitimacy to your MRA garbage.

Do you not understand that other people can see and hear you while you're being inappropriate with your coworkers? It doesn't matter if you, personally, were offended by your friend's sexist comment, it matters if others who heard it would be offended. You're the idiot who doesn't understand why it's not ok to use the

I would be willing to bet that your privileged, harassing behavior DOES offend people. They just don't feel comfortable telling you so. Yeah, you're THAT person.

If the food and service was fantastic but, as they were leaving, they saw a rat run across the kitchen doorway, would you still think they should give a positive review? People have the right to spend their money the way they want. Like the author of the review, I don't want to patronize an establishment that engages

If you want me to come into your shop and give you money, it behooves you to pay attention to my preferences. I don't want to watch morons make out, slap each other on the ass, or bite each other's skin while I eat. I'd rather go someplace with lesser quality food or service than watch that nonsense. I appreciate

Someone recently reminded me that we all compare our insides to the rest of the world's outsides. So while you see your skin in comparison to some woman with a dewy fresh glow, she may see her thinning hair or crooked teeth in comparison to your more attractive ones. And neither of you can see your own whole lovely

Yes, that would be terrible! A red hat and purple clothes—how dare these older women not go gently into that neutral good night? It's like they've forgotten how to spend their lives in service to what strangers might think.

And you are who, exactly? This article wasn't a discussion of a designer's fall collection, it was a personal story about finding one's own style. So I'm curious what you think justifies your insults and demands that the rest of the world comply with your own individual aesthetic. Or are you just one of those sad,

What KIND of "serious risk of harm" were these two little girls posing? According to some reports, the older girl had been sexually abused prior to entering DHS custody. It's possible that she could have some inappropriate behaviors as a result of that trauma that the Harris family found "dangerous" for their chaste

Yes! To hear some people tell it, women all over the South say BYH and then start swinging.

Hey, didn't you get your ass handed to you the other day when you claimed that Muslim women were not allowed to attend funerals or touch dead bodies? Because women are considered "impure"?

Rest assured, my knowledge of Islam and the Muslim world does not just come from Google Images. It comes from living in the Middle East and from being in community with Muslim women from all over the world. I cited Google Images simply to point out how easy it is to see that your words are patently false.

ISIS is not Islam. And it's not in Iran where, by the way, women are not required to wear chador or abaya. All you have to do is google images of Iranian women on the street — how many of them are wearing "full black scarves"?

Give me a fucking break. You said Muslim women were so oppressed, they weren't allowed to wear colors. When challenged on your bullshit assertion, now you claim that Muslim women are so oppressed that it's PROGRESS for them to wear color? Is this all based on research you did for your 8th grade social studies paper?

She's like the James O'Keefe of online sex. "Oooh! Gotcha! " And we're all sitting here going "Got what?"

She's pretty terrible, period. She's yet to display any redeeming qualities.