Fancia Pantalones

That's just not true. Muslim women wear all kinds of colors. It's amazing that this article and some of the comments mock the idea that wearing hijab could have some benefit in educating Americans (especially rural Americans), while other folks express such patent ignorance. Here's a hint — Saudi Arabia and areas

Really? You're going to criticize this woman for wearing a brightly colored hijab, but then admit you don't even know what colors are normal? In most of the world, women wear whatever colors they want. They match their hijabs to their outfits and yes, red is popular. There's a whole industry making fashionable yet

Actually, prison food is way worse than what normal people eat. Most folks would not choose to eat maggots. Even food stamps gives you more than $2 a day to eat.

"while you suck on a cum stained dildo..."

Screw you, I need a car to drive my sick kids to the doctor. Not only am I charming, but I might have been a professional sexy storyteller at one point.

I watched the whole show (and had to shower afterwards because Dr. Phil's audience makes me feel dirty) and I agree with you. Aren't the addiction scientists always telling us this substance or another "is like being in love"? Well, this woman is ACTUALLY in love and, as long as she gets her fix, she's happy to keep

You've completely missed the point. It's not JUST about people touching you without permission, it's about a society seeing you as not entitled to be free of unwanted touching. And to women, especially women of color, that happens EVERYWHERE WE GO. But hey, you're a white guy and the arbiter of what is and isn't

I've always thought Kathy said it. She's truly a garbage person. I don't know why she keeps showing up on my television.

Just out of curiosity, Brian, how many people actually touch you without your permission on a daily basis? I'm not talking about accidental touches, I'm talking about "oooh, look at yoooou, you aren't entitled to body integrity!" deliberate touches. Because your whole diatribe here reads like a man who doesn't see

There are several symptom overlaps between ASD and early conduct disorder, a precursor to sociopathy. Lack of regard for the rights of others is more typical of the latter.

Oh, don't feel bad! It's definitely a situation to be concerned about! I'm just not sure that the conclusions she reaches are the right ones. The piece says almost 1 in 4 adults of working age in Hale County is on disability. That statement might be technically true, but it hardly indicates massive benefits fraud.

But you eat other stuff, right? Because scurvy is especially nasty.

"If you are on a public assistance program, you certainly should NOT be buying brand names..."

I love NPR, but that article is actually full of misinformation. Social Security can — and does — take into account your age and educational level, in addition to your functional ability. If you're over 55, have never held a sedentary job, have less than a high school education and cannot stand or lift while working,

Rather than waiting for the government to solve your issue by restricting SNAP usage, why don't YOU take some responsibility? Schools, community centers, transitional housing and re-entry programs are always looking for people to teach life skills and financial literacy. Many of the folks who use benefits struggle

Grothman is sincerely this awful and has been for a long time.

And let's not forget that many of those mentally ill people walking around are also veterans. Yes, you've become disabled serving your country, but hey, stop buying that Kraft dinner for 75 cents a box!

So much this — I have a graduate degree and was successful in my career when I suffered a brain injury. I look "normal", but I have significant cognitive and memory deficits. The average trip to the grocery store is using my GPS to make a four block trip (I can't mentally map locations, so even though I've lived and

Really? Because in your world there are no coupons and sales? In mine, there are, and when I can get a brand name product in the same quantity for the same or lesser price, I do it. Also, sometimes I need less than the giant tub o'generic baking powder and the smaller size comes only in the name brand.

I am so glad the baby and its parents are safe. If anyone ever needed proof that teenagers do not think like adults, here you go. This is the kind of planning (with less criminality and lying) that I see on a daily basis as a parent.