Fancia Pantalones

Sex has always been able to kill you. It amazes me how complacent we'd all become in the immediate pre-AIDS era, believing that contraception and antibiotics made us invincible.

You know what? I stand corrected. If you can completely dismiss someone's entire life as nothing more than being a white actress who didn't phrase an idea the way you'd like, you're no stranger to hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance.

There's a difference between being emotional and passionate and being abusive. Calling people gross, idiots and saying "fuck you" is abusive. There's no way this is productive dialogue anywhere at any time.

And let's not forget where this whole thing started — with Clover Hope making fun of "Drunk Patricia Arquette" before the award ceremony had even started. So there's an awful lot of doubling down going on, trying to find some justification for calling out another woman for not being perfect for the media.

You cannot simultaneously complain that Patricia Arquette doesn't care enough about women of color AND say you don't want her to be an ally of women of color. Those two concepts are mutually exclusive, as we all have learned from "Fine, be a bitch when I compliment your boobs, I wouldn't fuck you anyway."

Yes! Weirdly, with the exception of some right wingers upset that she'd talk about equality, Jezebel is the only outlet calling PA "drunk". God forbid the woman be excited and distracted and LESS THAN PERFECT LOOKING on the night she wins an Oscar.

Some people just don't like regular Coke.

In all seriousness, I cannot tell you the number of Starbucks' employees who don't understand that skinny ALSO means sugar free. I belong to several support groups for people who've had intestinal surgery and sugar can cause terrible symptoms for us — diarrhea, fainting, etc. Almost every patient I know has a story

She didn't say that at all. She said it was time that other people, whose rights women have actively fought for, should support women in their fight. Yes, she said "people" instead of "men". But really, given the totality of her words and her actions over the years, it's more likely that she just misspoke than she's

I didn't get that she was tipsy, particularly, maybe just a bit overwhelmed. Believe it or not, just because you're an Academy Award winning actress doesn't mean you're excellent at being witty on the red carpet. Or that you're INTERESTED in being witty on the red carpet as opposed to saying something meaningful when

But that's not what you said. I'm also sensing that you're not telling the whole story here about the maternity vs. medical leave.

This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. It's your choice not to have kids, but maternity leave is not fucking vacation.

Maybe you're looking for PA to say something wrong because you called her out for not being witty to some rando telemodel on the red carpet and then she turned around and made this awesome speech. It seems pretty obvious at this point that she had other things on her mind than amusing the public on the way in.

Well, for a drunk person, that acceptance speech sure kicked some ass!

She has to be dead for him to be charged with murder.

If the husband is really her husband and he is somehow responsible for her condition, he may very well want to keep her alive.

It seems so simple, doesn't it? Almost like saying "As a University, we care more about turning out decent human beings than winning football games." And yet, here we are.

Except she doesn't have to put her family on the air again. This isn't like the Jon-Benet story where there was at least a pretence of news value. It's a horrible thing that Mama June allowed to happen and would be further exploiting. It's not a huge step away from kiddie porn, for which there is a pretty steady

Really? It would be more moral for her to spend money she made on a reality show about her family on plastic surgery for herself because.... what? Double chins are a health hazard? I mean seriously, I know you're trolling, but how do you not understand that YOU'RE the joke here?

I'm also a brain injury survivor, though not from combat. I won't say thanks for your service, but I will say I'm sorry for your loss. It's a special kind of hell.