Fancia Pantalones

Smallpox. Your "master's degree organic chemist" (ooooooh!) probably doesn't remember it, because it doesn't exist anymore. Why is that? Everyone in the world didn't get smallpox and everyone in the world wasn't immunized. And why would you think I'd credit the unsupported rantings of a high school science teacher

I think it's remarkably brave and honest of you to admit that. I encounter far too many vets who think they've somehow become the only valid voice in any discussion and, after reading the horror stories from the middle east every day, I'm at the end of my patience with it.

That's not how herd immunity works, and the fact that you think it is illustrates how very dangerous people like you are. Moreover, what about all of the people who, for medical reasons, can't get the immunization? How are THEY safe when people like you refuse to vaccinate healthy children because of your ignorance?

I think the term you're looking for here is "Pro Measles". Because, let's face it, when you don't vaccinate your kid, you're not just making a decision for you and yours. You're making a decision about strangers' lives. That's completely different from having a medical procedure that affects only you, like abortion.

And let's not forget Andrew Wakefield, a man who subjected disabled children in his care to unnecessary invasive procedures and put everyone on the planet at risk.

I think it's just a matter of time before we find out that they have. This is a pretty apologetic letter… (children need to speak out, it's unfair to stigmatize sex offenders). No group — Christian, Muslim, Jewish, secular — is immune from evil.

For God's sake, is it not enough that we have to deal with the constant confusion between "weary" and "wary"? Do we now have to deal with "veary" and "vary"?

So you signed up to do a job and got injured on the job? I'm sorry that happened.

I think this is tremendously clever of Tyga. There are few things white people like better than thinking we are the most evolved. Why yes! We DO believe men and women can be friends! Unlike you benighted heathens who relegate people into gender roles!

Ah, SJWs. I get it now.

Weirdly enough, I don't hang out on Reddit. Not sure where you got that idea. I've been posting under this handle for a while and for years under a different one (lost the password). I understand, though, that you don't have much to support your argument so there's not anything else to do but make up shit.

I believe it's been pretty much established that you're entitled to judge people's response to trauma. Nobody's going to stop you. But nobody's going to think you're a wonderful and kind person either. People felt the same way you do about their family members marrying victims of the concentration camps and

I have zero idea what you're talking about. I haven't been hyperbolic and I didn't star my own comment. I don't "look down [my] nose at stereotypical Reddit behavior". But really, you and TheWhiteBorpo should feel free to continue your smug nonsequiturs. It makes you look so superior to the rest of us.

What, exactly, did I say that was hyperbolic? That narcissists engage in hyperbole and tone policing? That it's ridiculous to compare writing a letter to one's parents to committing mass murder? Perhaps you've confused me with someone else.

You say you have no problem with this woman not wanting her parents to come to her wedding, you just have a problem with HOW she's saying it. How am I unreasonable in saying you're tone policing?

Wait, you're comparing setting boundaries (albeit nastily) with narcissistic parents to committing a mass shooting? Why am I wondering if YOU have been accused of being a narcissist? Because this is the exact kind of hyperbole and tone policing crap they engage in.

Does anyone ever read this stuff and wonder why the media wants us to think about it? I mean, who cares? We can see this basic stuff across the street or around the corner any day of the week. But if we're caught up in the tawdry interpersonal crap between feuding celebrities, we don't think about the bigger

I believe that color is called "liver ecstasy".

Oh FFS, not again with this "age of consent" bullshit. There's no age of consent in Yemen, does that mean it's ok for 25 year old men to fuck 12 year olds? No, it doesn't. And Kylie is closer to 12 than she is to 25.

Even in Texas, the death penalty is reserved for first degree murder.