This would be great if it was even remotely possible to get more than 2 people together for a raid where I live.
This would be great if it was even remotely possible to get more than 2 people together for a raid where I live.
“Alas, poor Yorick6969420, I knew him, xHoratiox23897. A fellow of infinite cash, of excellent weaponry. In heists he hath born me on his back a thousands time and oh, how abhorrent a pilot was he. The memories haunt me.
I noticed a few details that made me question things as well, but then someone pointed out that the person in freefall is wearing an outfit that leaves one shoulder and part of the chest entirely bare.
One of the best things about the replaying all 3 games is watching the quality of the companion dialogue improve over time. I generally don’t think about who would be best to bring with me on mission, but which characters would enjoy it the most or want to be there and that says something about how well they’re…
Frankly, if it’s just 4k while docked, they can keep it. I barely play docked anyway. Unless it’s a significant improvement to the Switch and there are games involved that incentivize buying it, I’m really not that interested.
Some degree of time manipulation seems obvious from the trailer and that’s kinda cool. I’d also say that we shouldn’t write zelda off quite yet.
While I’m happy to hear anything at all, I really freaking hate how Nintendo prioritizes things in their directs. 2 years of development later and a 1.5 minute trailer is all we’re getting?
Pocketpair, you guys doing okay?
Honestly, I don’t think it’ fair to expect David Cage to know how to display human emotions. The games he’s been involved with show pretty clearly that he has no bloody clue.
Eeeeeeeh...I guess it’s better than the stock photo and all that, but I’m not sure “Person who died sicks months ago” was really the greatest artistic direction to take this.
In other news, skull and bones apparently still exists.
Sad to see the evidence of his midlife crisis.
I’m sorry for sounding like an unpleasable fan, but uuuuuuuuuuuuuugh. Why? Why Daora and Teostra? I hate both of them and, after MH:World, I’m so sick of fighting them.
I mean, they can’t even get me to buy FIFA, let alone a lootbox of potato-faced footballers.
So...Safe to say you’re bored, then?
“For characters who appeared in all three games, like Liara, Garrus, Kaiden, Captain Anderson, and more, we maintained slight changes throughout the trilogy as they aged, matured, hit by a rocket,”
God, no.
...Why’d you have to point out the neck? I can’t unsee that now and every time I look at the image, I hear goose noises.
“We couldn’t be arsed to tell you more about a game announced in 2019. Here, have an hd version of the moment people started getting sick of our formula.”