Ain’t you profound? Give yourself a cookie. There’s a difference between “hard to work on” and unnecessarily fragile and complex, dumbfuck.
Ain’t you profound? Give yourself a cookie. There’s a difference between “hard to work on” and unnecessarily fragile and complex, dumbfuck.
Just “feels” like 11.
Wow, 11 whole lb-ft of torque, hope you never stop on a big hill, might need a push to get going again!
If it checks out mechanically, it seems almost underpriced. NP, subject to an inspection.
“I should note here that the definition of a “shortcut” being used in this video doesn’t mean the obvious, intentional ones Nintendo always litters its tracks with. It instead means an unintentional shortcut, one that relies on an oversight or exploitation of code to make some serious time savings.”
‘GM is quick to specify that this agreement does not involve real-time tracking of eligible vehicles.’
$180k is a big ask from a new company. If they don’t make it past the giant hill to climb of not losing buckets of money, you are stuck with an expensive nearly unserviceable car like the folks that bought a Fisker in 2011-2012.
As soon as I saw the pic, I was like “THIS BETTER MENTION THE DUAL REAL WIPERS” and bam, first sentence.
Well yeah, two metric years.
They dated for two years in 1992? Damn, Canada is even weirder than I thought.
This is my #2 suggestion now, after the Sera
That requires thinking ahead. It’s amazing how many people go through life waking up every day to a bright new world, with no memory of the past, and no thought at all about the future.
I know that cruises can totally suck, but this was the Walmart of cruise lines — they got what they paid for.
I just got a Bolt EV LT2 this week. It was one that was waiting for the battery replacement, and I put a deposit down. It’s a really nice little care -I’d say it probably drives like your average small car but accelerates more like a GTI. The tech is very nicely done and GM seems to have that subsidized install for…
The reason people ditch cars that have life left in them, is that it’s easier to make a $500/mo. car payment, for a car that probably has a warranty and likely less to go wrong mechanically, than come up with that $3,500 and be down a vehicle for the duration of the repair.
Modern ICE vehicles are rolling computers as well.
Everything but the drive train is same on an EV, and while the drive train is significantly different it is also much simpler. Maintaining evs tends to be a lot easier. Yes when batteries start going bad that is a more complex repair, but people are already doing it. I would argue it is no more complex than having an…
I wetsanded the missing clear and rattle canned 2X Clear on my BMW 850. Made it a 10 footer. Watch the videos and wear a respirator when you spray.
i don’t see any parts that i’d want.