
Good luck with that. Dany since season…2?…has been the definition of "holding pattern".

Rosa needs to remain a mystery. Explaining who she is would ruin the joke, I think.

Someone saw "Clerks" and was trolling you, sounds like.

You know that's not what @firstman2013:disqus is arguing, right? Just because it's not made by a big company, doesn't excuse mistakes made in marketing it.

The camp for people who want everyone to think the same way as them and have no fun whatsoever is right next door!

I would've loved to hear something about the Midnight Run sequels. Absolutely miserable, but I wonder if there are any cool stories behind them.

The "circle of emptiness" has occured at least twice this season. Are they shunning everyone now?

Agreed. The problem was not Crowe, it was the writing. All the cast are fine, by and large, but they need funnier material.

What about the little woman and the dull man? Weren't they both let go at the same time too?

Pharaoh's Idris Elba was pretty bad, though. He got the dialogue right, just about, but the actual voice was terrible.

So "post-queerness" still involves shows going "look at us! Look at us!" and characters endlessly, needlessly, either fielding questions about their sexuality or mentioning it themselves. If there were a Bechdel Test for queer characters on TV, the vast majority of "progressive" shows would fail it miserably.

The Chime In sketch was…okay…but took four minutes to do one minute's worth of comedy.

People who write "Fifty Shades" ripoffs probably evolve in style and ability too (to answer your point about her evolving musicality), doesn't mean we should or even ought to read them.

I'm quite surprised this show got the positivity it did. Aside from the odd tiny bit here and there, it was shockingly bad, maybe the worst episode I've seen since Elton John's.

The one thing I'd change would be to put an end to tedious fucking thinkpieces like this.

Absolutely. I'm not going to watch it either (as I'm a Brit who streams it, this will not bother NBC too much, I imagine). I'd say Trump was a joke but jokes don't advocate murdering people based on bigotry. He's even worse than Steve Forbes hosting.

I always assumed Maher would back some pro-weed Republican, as that's how he comes off whenever I watch him.

As Che is almost good at WU now, they'll have to bring Riblet in another way. Like have Che in a sketch and have him suck at it until Riblet comes in, takes over and nails the punchline.

Seems like a weird limitation to put on something for it to be called a "really great episode".

I thought he was pretty dull towards the end of his run, but what they've replaced him with makes me remember his time on the show more fondly.