
Oh, another another thing - the rumour doing the rounds when this movie came out was that it was made by Spike Jonze as viral marketing for "Where The Wild Things Are".

Okay, this sounds fantastic and I now want to own it.

I am the proud owner of a DVD of this movie, bought in the ten seconds the website was selling them, and it's amazing, every bit as good as Ignatiy says.

For the record, yes that song was maudlin and pathetic. As my record presumably means exactly the same as yours?

Entirely irrelevantly (and three years late) there is a Box Elder Road in St Louis.

Sucks that these reviews finished, should anyone pay attention to a 4-month old comment. The fact I've not visited this site in at least 4 months should indicate that I'm perhaps not the AV Club's target demographic, but still, variety is a good thing to have should there be an uptick. By only sticking with things

Yes. The big bomb at the end of season 2 was an admission they got it wrong in season 1, I reckon.

Really? I'm surprised, because while popular enough, he always had a fair number of detractors. Have a quick read of a few recaps from when he was a cast member, if you have the time / inclination.

Newsradio's not set in a newsroom. The amount of actual news gathering or discussing they do is reasonably close to zero. It is brilliant, though, I'll give you that.

And, I hope I'm a good feminist, but damn I would watch anything with Briga Heelan in it. She's lovely.

I was bummed out when it got cancelled, it was a lot of fun.

The last of the Puppet Master movies was sort of fun (Axis Rising) but they've been absolutely shocking at their worst - the installment which was just highlights from the previous films in the series must be a low point even for money-grabbing bottom feeders like Full Moon. Oh, and there was how parts 4 and 5 really

So, about the same ratings as now? Perhaps people would tune in because it was different. It'd be worth a damn try at least.

Maher is absolutely not a liberal. He's a conservative who wants to smoke pot.

Hey, that must have been all the women pre-emptively forcing people not to go!!!

Because it's about a remake of a film and not the systemic murder of an entire religious group. Get some fucking perspective.

You're that confident that the trailer is that much worse than all the other trailers? That's all any of us is going on, right?

So the all-time record number of downvotes is just because it's the worst trailer in history?

You should definitely feel bad if you've attached any of your self-worth to any movie, ever.

This is one hot take!