
That character was a series of tics waiting for some moderately funny material. Dear me.

Key and Peele is as hit-and-miss as any other modern mainstream sketch show. Too many misses for the godlike reputation they've got.

Having rewatched a ton of 1995-2005 episodes in the last year, Rudolph's showcases are fun to watch on their first appearance, but the diminishing returns are rapid.

Presumably, the reviewer thought this was funny two years ago, but he just keeps repeating it and I've got no idea why. Perhaps he's trying to turn it into a "thing"? And yes, it's there when they're actors.

That was pretty underwhelming as a season premiere. Well, it woulf have been bad no matter when in a season it came. It just felt flat…weirdly, apart from Update (which I've hated more often than not in the Jost era), which might finally have a clue of how to go on.

Now, I'm not doubting you, but that's an absolutely bizarre statement. So, you went looking for slashfic about shows you'd never seen?

By "shipping couples" you mean "daydreaming about characters on TV", right? There's nothing else to it than that, surely?

I love One Million Moms, as they have a great deal less than a million members (like, maybe a few thousand members of their Facebook group, or something?). In unrelated news, my group "12 Inch Penises" is going strong.

He only apologised when he was about to be exposed by the national press. Make your own decision about his sincerity, I guess.

Of course he benefited from the lie! How naive are you?

Please give me some examples of people losing their perspective. The entirety of this comment section seems way fuller of people telling other people to stop overreacting, and no actual overreacting.

How about, stop acting like a dick and thinking you can get away with it? Is that so difficult a concept to grasp?

I'm not ostracising him. He can say whatever he likes, but people aren't obliged to employ him.

David Cross, who lived in Manhattan at the time, did a bit about 9/11 that amazingly managed to not be about how he was in the tower and it was defining moment of his life.

Keith and the Girl have already passed 2000, and I presume there are plenty of others too.

Because he's mentioned it on SNL, on a recent roast, etc. I know very little about comedy and I knew that about Davidson - it's Ranazissi's career, you'd think he'd be aware of a fairly famous story like that.

I've never considered that to be the case, about Tim and Eric. They just seem mean-spirited towards the people at the bottom of society. Never found them funny.

I respectfully disagree. Although jokes would have been nice on that show.

There are trained comedians doing let's plays?

Number of people in this thread actually angry: <5