
Me too. Er, I'm in South Korea at the moment obviously. On business.

That would be interesting, I think - I shall let you discover for yourself how the movie handles that particular pairing.

Chaotic neutral? Re-read your D&D book, my man.

I don't think there's an equivalency here, as the male figures are power fantasies for boy (or male in general) viewers, players, or readers; whereas I just don't think the same is true for female viewers, players or readers and the ludicrously sexualised figures that represent their gender. Well, what I think isn't

Having streamed a few episodes naughtily from here in the UK, there's a lot of good material in there but no higher a hit-rate than like 20 other sketch comedy shows I could name. Which makes me wonder quite why it's talked of as such a cast-iron classic by US comedy fans. Personal taste, eh?

I feel bad for the women. Imagine how rubbish your prospects must be to consider working for Corey Feldman.

Yorkshire was / is my region! But it'll have probably been shown nationwide, Yorkshire will just have been the group who paid for it. They might have it on tape, it was the BBC who were rotten for throwing old stuff out.

On a recent rewatch - it was sort of tolerable for the first season, then it felt like they did the same plot three episodes in a row, and I got bored and drifted away. Even though Sorbo is an asshole now, I always preferred Hercules.

"If we mention Constantine, a bunch of websites will report it, even though we've got zero desire to use the guy from a failed show in ours!"

“A story of someone whose mission isn’t to bring attention to herself but the ones who truly need it.”

That was awful. Thanks for cutting it, SNL.

Is it entirely relying on Wiig and Ferrell? If I had no idea who they were, would I still like it or laugh at it?

Originality is way overrated in pop music. When I was deep into Beatles fandom, I heard a radio show from the 70s that John Lennon hosted, where he basically spent the entire time playing songs that the Beatles had taken elements from. Would you have rather have had the Beatles or a handful of obscure R&B 7" singles?

Fassbender has splendid choice, what with that lovely lady from "Sleepy Hollow" for a while too.

Dear Hollywood: Guy Ritchie got really lucky with the Sherlock Holmes movies. He sucks. Please hire anyone else.

He could host a drug-producing reality show and be called Meth Damon.

I got bummed out that Franka Potente got offed as well.

Did Stiles pick a particularly awful movie which wrecked her career? I remember hating "Down To You", but I can't see that doing it all by itself.

Sorry, misplaced quotation mark. We'll have to pass on hiring you this time.

People rarely have to live with the aftermath of being murdered, yet an awful lot of people live with the aftermath of being raped.