
Really? Give me one example of a reviewer handwaving away the treatment of men in the show with "Life was rough for dudes back then."

I think maybe with stuff like SNL going almost entirely on Youtube, they'd be stupid not to do the same thing with their Letterman archive.

To everyone who discovered him in the last decade or so, this worship is a bit odd. I'm going to guess this comment section is full of people who loved him in the 80s but barely watched him in the last…five years or so? The five years when he looked bored as hell most of the time?

It's a really funny show. Definitely recommended.

I thought the same was true of "Defying Gravity" a few years ago, but the American network walking away from it meant it was cancelled immediately.

Hubris is the perfect word. What I hope this proves is that people should shut the hell up about social media and "saving" TV shows.

You could just stop discussing it because we've already heard direct from the source that it's not going to happen?

I gave up on it halfway through the most recent season. Mindy seemed to have turned from a sweet romcom enthusiast into a person from another planet, where standards of behaviour were wildly different. She was just too horrible a person to carry on with - I don't have anything against horrible main characters, but the

Well, as long as your comment comes from a place of actually having watched "Mom" so you can have an informed opinion!

Lots of people are watching it, just few AV Club commenters.

Of the decade, not "of the last ten years"

I really like the way it deals with "reality" (sorry for this not being a very good word), in a way so few other sitcoms do. Plus, I just think it's funnier "Broad City", but I'll admit to taking against that from the beginning. I did say it'd need a bit more time at this level to be compared to "Roseanne", though -

"Interesting" example of authors altering their book sequels to follow on from the film rather than their own book: Arthur C Clarke and "2010". Martin might decide to do it too, and just slap a "sorry guys, the show is just better than what I did" on it.

Doyle's death is EXACTLY THE SAME as the issue we're discussing. You can't just handwave it away!

Longevity of shows and number of shows. It's not just a strict numbers game, and if Rhimes were a guy this article would never have been written.

Wow, this is the worst For Your Consideration I've ever read (and they're almost always awful). Soap operas with believable storylines wouldn't be soap operas, right?

Blame NBC. If they'd said "no", it's not like he'd have been able to force them to take him back.

As one of the critics of Fallon and his "celebs doing wacky things" shtick, it upsets me that I know this much; or how I ended up watching it in the first place (clips, not the show, honest).

I imagine Emily Blunt is bummed not to get a producer credit, as Fallon mentioned that she. Krasinski and Merchant "invented" the game. Or maybe she's happy not to.

"Ask The Maester" is great, I reckon.