
It's a meme. It's not that she's a super-popular character.

40,000 does seem too many to read, you're right. But I like that people are invested enough to be bothered about how the show portrays things.

Nah, I thought she was boring from the beginning.

The idea that anyone would choose to read one of these tomes twice, rather than one of the billion other books of a roughly similar or higher quality, makes me sad.

It really is.

We working class northern Englishmen, who've worn flat caps for a century or so, are baffled by this hate.

I've loved Flight of the Conchords since their radio days, so…yes.

I didn't get on with "Broad City" either. Too much of that comedy of awkwardness thing that I keep wanting to die out, too little decent material, funny characters, etc.

Are you not cool, @Wynstone:disqus? I feel bad for you, cos I'm super-cool and its great.

I loved them all the first time, but rewatching them all left me with the strong feeling that "Clerks" is the only classic, or even really good film, he's ever made. The article's description of "Dogma" and "Chasing Amy" is perfect.

I sort of liked The Ben Show. It had a nice weird energy to it. But I got bored of Key and Peele ages ago, so feel free to take my opinion with a pinch of salt.

Lost, slightly, in all this, is that all these late night shows ARE garbage. Even the best show on its best day is still about as good as the worst episode ever of "Comedy Bang Bang", and they're not especially informative (want to know when Movie X comes out? Look on the internet) or interesting (how often do these

Expecting better =/= elitist. Using words like that, designed to shut down debate, is not helpful.

He was attacking Fallon and Kimmel because they're not funny. Calling that opinion "elitist" is just another way of refusing to deal with it.

It's saying people shouldn't dare to criticise Fallon, Kimmel or @Midnight. Did you not read it?

Agreed. I think his unfunny show is Conan's fault, not his writer's.

I just had a chuckle at this snark-filled husk of a website criticising someone else for having an opinion on other comedy shows. Well done!

When would SNL be allowed to do the Angelou joke after John Oliver did it? Months? Years?

They don't really want to be edgy and haven't for…40 years or so.

You know SNL can't change the time it's on, right? Should they drop everything that some guy I've never heard of came up with on Twitter?