
It's not the same thing at all. People should think about what they say and what effect their words have on other people. Or are you advocating for people to just say the first dumb thing that pops into their head, all the time?

Straw man, straw man, straw man. Should no-one ever criticise anyone else, attempt to change their minds, or defend something they believe in?

Redemption? His first response when these tweets were brought up was "lot of characters on Twitter". Do you seriously think he's after redemption?

So we can only have crass social reformers or well-spoken bigots? Did no black people ever criticise Senator Newton?

The entire argument is about Noah making jokes about fat women.

Please point out what's the important work in mocking fat women and Jews, thanks.

Oh no! People need to think about what they say? Whatever next? Will drivers have to keep looking at the road when they're doing 70 on the motorway?

Masterful? Lazy wagon-circling garbage. Was Noah's joke the same as a "butterfly" joke? No, they were deliberately aimed at (among two) Jews and fat women. That Oswalt thinks they're the same shows how pathetic his analysis is.

Perhaps she's just an anti-Zionist? The line can be fine in places, but as a socialist, I see people getting accused of it all the time. Like being called anti-Christian if you dislike the government of the USA, or something.

Yes it does, and yes, it mostly does.

I'd think those jokes were terrible no matter where they were told. You saying you love comedians who tell nothing but "lol fat women and jews" jokes?

How dare we judge someone based on the things they say?

They were looking for someone funnier who people actually might want to watch, too.

I don't know why, but Nate Torrence just has the sort of face I want to beat on for hours. He's unappealing on a deep level, and I wish casting people felt the same way as me.

Completely agree. I never got the hate for the last episode of Seinfeld either, and a decade of often crappy final episodes just make it look better.

I completely agree. P&R was unbearable towards the end; I know appeals to authority or popularity are bad form logically, but everyone I know who started a fan had abandoned it long ago; and it got way more love than I think it deserved from critics. Season 2 feels like a very long way away.

Agreed. It became really tough to watch in later seasons, when they'd wrapped up all their storylines and then just kept going.

Really? The couple that started because the hyper-sexual Santana needed some sexual release in between banging guys? Where she exploited her virtually developmentally-disabled friend? Man, I feel sorry for lesbians who get inspiration from their story.

The Rocky Horror episode was the worst, completely not understanding (deliberately?) what the movie was about and having a truly rotten denouement. I think I pretty much checked out after that episode.

If only it had jokes or funny stuff happening!