
I take it you're this annoyed by every remake / "reboot"? If I went and found the Newswire about the 21 Jump Street reboot, for instance, would I find you there with a similar complaint?

Reading the angry anti-Leslie Jones screeds on here in a new light with the news of her casting in the Ghostbusters reboot. If anyone thinks she's losing her job before that comes out, unless it's just to go part time while they're filming, they're sadly mistaken.

Completely agree - I'd be more than happy seeing him pop up regularly.

Just not true. The way some people go on, you'd think she was messing up every sketch she was in. She's significantly better than Zamata, Jost and massively better than Bayer was for her first season or so on the show (she's perhaps the all-time worst at looking like she'd never seen the sketch before walking on to

That was weird, wasn't it? Still never heard a reason why he got canned.

Respectfully disagree. Jones is the best thing to happen to this cast in a long time.

I think them demonstrating how easy it is for one of the other cast members to do is a terrible terrible idea. That's Che's only job and he can't get through a single episode without blowing multiple lines.

Did they do another series of the show after "Miss March" was an abject failure? That must have been no fun to make, fulfilling some contractual obligation while being absolutely certain they were getting cancelled.

Maybe they didn't think it was any good? Plus, sketch shows usually have bigger budgets, because they can't always re-use sets or outfits - don't know if that was the case here, but listening to the "Fast Show" commentary for example, they were always saying the pressure was on for recurring characters from the

Completely agree. Every so often they'd stumble on a good idea, but it really wasn't anywhere near enough. I wanted to like them and found myself, after about the same number of episodes, going "can I be bothered to continue with this?"

This line sums up my problems with this whole genre perfectly:

She must be close to being the oldest "new" hire ever.

Sorta difficult to make a comedy about a group of people who've spent the lasty twenty years killing Iraqi civilians.

I know a lot of people agree with you, but I bailed a little while ago - I don't think it's as funny or profound as it thinks it is, and it certainly doesn't help that his last few standup specials have sucked too.

It was garbage and will be remembered as one of the worst TV decisions ever. Sorry.

Most talent thrown away on garbage: "Mulaney"
(oh sorry, forgot there's some weird moratorium on criticising "Mulaney" on literally every website like this, for no good reason).

He was awful for his entire last season on the show. There were a couple where the audience just didn't laugh at all, and it was uncomfortable.

It wasn't garbage, and Meyers is only being praised because he was slightly better than Jost. Just because one rotting corpse is less smelly than another rotting corpse, doesn't mean the less smelly one is okay.

Holy crap, I never realised that.

It is funny. I think it's funny.