
A little soon? When was the last one?

Norm's WU material was pretty right-wing and backward, if you go past the endless OJ and Clinton jokes.

I wouldn't care if it were just funnier and had more engaging hosts - but this is the least political it's ever been, by a distance.

If he isn't forced by circumstance to work with his hot ex-wife by the end of the first episode, I'm out.

That's my personal text on a hundred different websites :)

Has anyone said this is the "worst episode ever"? Is there any need for this awful hyperbole? Do you think you're winning anyone over with this argument?

Is she still in a relationship with Michael Fassbender? Be an easy in for her if she was.

The reason for Katrina to go back to Purgatory made absolutely no sense whatsoever, and it's the complete wheel-spinning that is her character that's beginning to grate on me.
Overall, this season has been far inferior to season 1 - Hawley, Irving being away from the main plot, Katrina being a black hole…it's just a

Maybe he was a good standup, but wow is he not a good fit for Update. And Jost continues to make Seth look like the most dynamic anchor ever. Hell, Seth did it on his own and Jost struggles with someone sat permanently two feet away.

Thanks for telling me how I should react to a comedian.

He's only fresh if you've never heard a podcast or seen a standup show in 10 years. He's funny, that's for sure, but fresh? In terms of SNL, Jones is far fresher a talent than Davidson is.

Absolute rubbish. Your skewed perception does not = reality - he'd disappeared from view due to not doing a decent album for 20 years before that track with Rob Thomas.

My opinion of her is exactly the opposite of my opinion of Lena Dunahm (I love Jones)

After getting negative publicity for the catcalling thing, it's good to see him doubling down with the insightful comments about Kim K's ass.

It being uneven since forever doesn't excuse it sucking now, though. Saying that, this was the strongest episode for a very long time…I'm surprised Stewart is defending a show which seems determined with every passing year to be as apolitical as possible.

"Minstrel"? Spoken like a good white liberal who thinks all black people should behave a certain way.

If it's a repurposed version of Bill Hicks' TV show idea, "Let's Hunt And Kill Billy Ray Cyrus", then I'd be on board.

Magnificent :)

The ground was funnier than him on that show.

I assumed the rush of Twittering around the show's hashtags was them scrounging material. I have no idea though.