
I would have been very happy if they'd let Chelsea Peretti go at the end of the first season, but now they've given her an actual connection to the rest of the squad, rather than just have her be a pale imitation of Latka from "Taxi", she's much better.

Never heard of him. Shimon Peres, on the other hand…

Aren't there three different versions of Hamlet, with lines and scenes altered or missing? Perhaps the one line you quoted isn't in the one Stoppard prefers.

It's getting cancelled. 5 extra episodes = "it's cheap, might as well fill up the schedule with it for a few more weeks".

Two things. While the Dems are the lesser of two evils, they're very slightly less evil. If you're actually a progressive, join a progressive party. If everyone who says "there's no point, the Greens / whoever will never get into power" actually got involved, it would make an enormous difference.

I love Eric Andre, huge fan of the show.

I think it reflects what the viewer would like to see about the future. I think the future of Star Trek sounds pretty nice, where we don't have to worry about possessions and struggling against our fellow humans for limited resources.

I'm rewatching the entire run of TNG, and a friend said "are you going to do Voyager after you finish with it?" I'm not their friend any more.

I think Leslie Jones is the best thing to happen to the cast this year, so that's why I felt sorry more than gleeful at her flub, maybe the worst one I've seen in years and years.

Oh, that bigoted racist piece of shit Adam Carolla? Well, I'll take anything he says as the truth!

It's good that you're still watching, 30 years after you stopped, though.

Why is knowing the name of the head of the FCC important when it comes to discussing what they as an organisation do? And if you think no-one talked about atheism on TV before Maher, then you're just ignoring history.

What about actual left-wing or progressive politics? No, Maher hasn't covered those things, because he doesn't agree with them. If literally all you're bothered about is the war on drugs, then I suppose he's great.

I'll send my $0.02 into the void…

Maher is free to express his opinion, and even has his own TV show on which to do it. "Freedom of expression" does not mean everyone else is forced to give you a platform to spread your manifestly wrong opinions. Is there anyone who you'd be in favour of not allowing to speak? How extreme would their hatred of one

He is vastly more critical of Islam than he is of Christianity. Thanks to the 2000-2008 president, many more killings have been committed in the name of Christianity, even in this millenium, than Islam, yet for some reason Maher chooses to direct all his ire at the Muslims. I see no misinterpretation - and if great

How many clever-not-funny things is Showalter going to have his name attached to before he stops getting uncritical support from sites like this? Since Stella, we've had Michael & Michael Have Issues (sort of alright); a standup album that was absolutely awful; and "They Came Together", the most overrated film of the

Haha you're mental

Gypsy just isn't that bad a word in the UK, and we have a lot more of them than you do in the US.