I do love how everyone's still pretending that trailer's release was a "leak".
I do love how everyone's still pretending that trailer's release was a "leak".
Most importantly, his name is an anagram of “Hell Chainsaw Yo”, which means we’re getting a guest appearance from Michael Myers.
I try to not be a pervert watching this show, but Torres plus the two Mills sisters would push me over the edge.
This is a pretty bold statement, but Jenny is great. I'd watch her in a sexy adult Pokemon reboot.
Why should anyone have responsibility for their own actions?
But you're guessing the same as everyone else, right? I think the not knowing is the kicker.
"Nothing really supernatural". I know what you mean, but zombies?
No it wasn’t. Firstly, not as regular or as popular; secondly, Joe Blow actually appeared in a sketch once (twice?), hosting a talk show from his basement; lastly, he wasn’t enormously racist. Oh, and nowhere near as funny, if you need a fourth thing.
Would’ve been nice if “Pecan Pie” had been funny in any way, though, given that SNL is a comedy show and all.
Fallon had a personality, and was a fantastic Update anchor. Jost can’t deliver a joke to save his life and has no personality. He’s a void who’s done nothing in his life other than write comedy. No life experiences, no anything outside a writer’s room. And that shows.
The material isn't that bad, but his timing is absolute garbage. The gulf between him and Che is already widening.
It's the Bloater Brothers 2.0!
I don't believe that - creating pages for my own site all the time, it's a really small amount of effort. Just name the episode, put up a screenshot (or don't) and then let people talk.
So much of the most fun stuff happened off-screen, it bummed me out. And now we're back to BROTHER-ANGST, which is a well the show really doesn't need to go back to.
Please stop writing RWG and a stupid thing in brackets at the end of every post. Your name is already at the top of all your posts, it doesn't need to be at the bottom too. Please.
I don't remember the specifics, but I remember thinking "okay, I don't expect the reviewer to love the show, but you don't even seem to like the fact it exists". Why not just have an open thread? You get the page hits either way.
Probably my biggest problem with the series has been the way they've let the "fandom" (surely one of the most debased words of the last decade) decide any of the way the show would go. I think the idea of it being an all-male soap opera is sort of a funny one, but they've had so many great women on the show (I really…
They sort of mentioned he's too powerful to kill, maybe? Like Lucifer? None of their super-powered weapons worked on him.
Powerful and attractive men have been committing rape for centuries.
I’m trying to be polite and concentrate on how good the show is (which is quite a lot). I think we’ve had a flamewar or two on here about talking about the attractiveness of women on shows ahead of the show itself.