
Shut up Meg


Starring Chris Tucker and Jim Cavi…Caviz… The guy from the first one.

Passion of the Christ 2: Crucify This

Alright. We're going to use a fan brush here, and, uh, I want you to take some hunter green and we're gonna put a happy little bush right down over here, in the corner there. And that'll be just our little secret……. And if you tell anyone, that that bush is there. I will come to your house and I will cut you

You people have ruined Star Trek: The Next Generation for me.
And you should all be nicer to WHil WHeaton. WHil WHeatons a cool guy.

I'm not a man, I'm a woman. Actually I'm not a woman, I'm a horse. Actually I'm not a horse, I'm a broom.

George Carlin funny, Spin City funny, Rita Rudner funny, what? Come on.

Hey Pesci here's a nickel, say Yugoslavia

I'm back to repeat the third grade. The first time I was here we had this teacher, Mrs Wilson. But we called her Mrs Killson because she had an abortion. Anyway, I guess I should sit down now



Alright do you see a button that looks like a gay guy eyeing you from across the bar?

I don't know…I was dating your mother, I don't like the way condoms feel, next thing you know, I got a mortgage, a kid, and a crappy job at a toy factory.

Oh you people can just kiss the fatest part of my ass!

A big fat phony!

We're going to put it right here, right on the refrigerator.

This was a bigger waste of time than Ringo's songwriting.

The password is …. flaming

Robert Loggia.
R as in Robert Loggia.
O as in "Oh my god, it's Robert Loggia."
B as in "By God! It's Robert Loggia."
E as in "Everybody loves Robert Loggia."
R as in Robert Loggia.
T as in "Tim, look over there! It's Robert Loggia."
L as in "Look! It's Robert Loggia."