
Mr. Superman no here

You know who had a heck of a wedding? Brett Farve

Oh my god it's Michael Eisner! Cover your heart!

oh no you're going to take his face off? Like in Face/Off?

I'll have what she's having.

Oh, my God. Fred Savage is the greatest actor in the world!

You should all be nicer to WHil WHeaton

Where the hell is the remote?

I'm not a stickler for a tickler

Hey did you guys hear about Rob Schneider. Somebody told me he goes down to Home Depot and pays the migrant workers to go to his house and choke him in the shower.

We now return to How I Met Your Father

Dear Lord, please give me the cheat codes to "Mike Tyson's Punch-Out". I have been stuck on Bald Bull for four years. I tried Left-Left-Up-B-dodge-uppercut, but it still knocks me out. And, you know, they say you're supposed to go Right-B-Up-dodge-Left-uppercu… Listen to me, telling you how to play a game.

This is fantastic! Terrific work!

Hey did you ever hook up with HWhoopi Goldberg on the set?

Oh, I must give you my e-mail address. It's loismustdie, all one word, at yahoo dot com

You shouldn't have done that. Who knows what unforeseen consequences are awaiting us? Sadam Hussein could be president. Mexico could be the worlds dominant superpower. Cookie Monster could have invented Facebook.

This is even worse than the time we went to see the Vagina Monologues

You people have just ruined Star Trek: The Next Generation for me, and another thing, you should all be nicer to Will Wheaton.

When the world is mine, you're death will be quick and painless