
Jesus...I’ll probably go to hell but take the damn star.

Now playing

I hope he makes a recovery like Kevin Everett

Democratic house selects Hillary for the speaker position, before beginning impeachment proceedings against Trump and Pence......

If the impeachment doesn’t happen until after the Nov 2018 elections, it’s possible the Speaker of the House who’d be third in line wouldn’t be Ryan...

One of the many reasons why I did not want children was that I could not imagine what I would do to the bullies if my child ever suffered the sort of treatment that I experienced. Just thinking of me in that state of boundaryless rage legitimately scares me.


Oh I get it, you’re an EA executive. That’s why you’re so hostile towards people that are justifiably angry with EA and cynical about what they’ll do in the future. Now it makes total sense why you’re a complete ass hole.

What part of the word “temporary” are you having trouble understanding? This isn’t over at all.

“just don’t reward the predatory parts of it that ask for additional money.”

Sorry NO. The usb 3 interface is somewhat faster than the internal sata bus. Running on the external nets a modest speed increase.

I stopped hating Steve the instant he decided to hang around and fight the monster back in season one, by midway through season two he’s one of my favorite characters.

You sound like the kind of guy who plays amateur traffic cop in the passing lane.

Dammit, you guys beat me to the punch. Seriously, if your going to a church then you are probably already either 1) At the lower end of the IQ spectrum in the U.S. or 2) Old and about to die.

Of course not. It’s a car.

I think he is mentally ill like most true conservatives and racists. They suffer from a high level of paranoia and neuroses and, as we see in the last bit here, delusions that are either self-serving for attention or come from psychosis.

Nobody is worse than Trump. This is classic overthinking. Take Pence’s worst features. Trump is at best only 85% as bad. But Trump is also a reckless idiot who could very well run into nuclear war.

I thought the same. Also:

If this is real, it’s footage from the most oddly-placed security camera in history. Who puts a security camera at eye level several inches out from a corridor wall?

Of course.