
Yep, for many reasons. 1) People of all races and ethnicities have large butts. Having a sizable ass is not a cultural trait that can be appropriated because it is a biological trait that is found across diverse populations all over the world. 2) Oakland is not synonymous with black. It’s a very racially diverse

People aren't missing the point, they're saying the point is stupid. Which it is.

“always thought that was a disrespectful line in the song anyway”

My rage-o-meter is in the negatives on this one guys. This is a dumb take.

Hell, I made up two of the names in that list and some of you just accepted them and moved on.

J.Lo: Are u Ellie?

I’m assuming he means the classical version of trolling, as used in regard to fishing, rather than the modern definition relating to rustling jimmies on the internet.

I think you misread that part.

I would flag, but your comment and username combo is too strong.

69 counts of indecent exposure? Nice.

No I do, I sound like an asshole. I shouldn't judge a whole region since republicans do that and that makes it hypocritical. But at the same time.... Gays don't do anything to warrant the hate from small minded bigots. African Americans don't do anything to deserve the intense scrutiny and distrust they receive, it's

Ok, I’m gonna sound like a typical smarmy over educated liberal here but....shit like this is why people think of the Republican Party as “the stupid people party”. It’s also why that saying “if you want to see what life was like 25 years ago go to the south” is becoming so prevalent and incredibly true. I know that

Perhaps I haven’t searched hard enough, but I don’t think anyone is saying they deserved to die because they ran from cops. They died because they made a mistake. You can’t blame the officers for not risking their lives to save theirs. Police have an obligation to do whatever they can within reasonable limits, but

Sorry, all I read was “Black Widow’s TTs".

Buying a Honda Insight is still the worst decision he’s ever made, a problem somehow solved by the second worst decision he’s ever made.

The small teaser thumbnail picture I clicked on had me going “okay, that’s the render, let’s see the cosplay... wait, that’s actually the cosplayer?”

You know, when I’m in my cage and I see somebody on a sportbike hauling ass up to me about to pass me, despite the fact lanesplitting is illegal where I live, and it still annoys me they are driving like a douche, I don’t try to block them or start trouble like an asshole. Why is this so hard for people? What part of

I can’t stop laughing at this one

I feel so bad for this guy but I can't stop laughing.