
True A.I. would not follow any religion. Especially when the scientific process is brought into the equation. Even if an android was pre-programmed to follow one religion, once it compiled all evidence for itself, it would purge that programming and consider it a virus.

High wasted jeans. Absolutely revolting.

Zombie or not, if I see a staggering, seemingly violent individual who's bleeding from the eyes, ears, and mouth I'm grabbing my crossbow.

Inside job? Was this was just so that our rights can be taken away?

I know what you mean. Happens to me everytime I fill up my Ford Pinto.

Is that Harry Potter talking to Miyamyoda?


How cool! I didn't know a Wayans Bro was in this!

His article was so good that I ended up donating to the Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe.

Well, there goes Problem #100.

At first I couldn't figure out what it was. Then I realized the objects in a person's peripheral vision lose their depth. That lost depth perception really messes with what you think you see.

"Are you sure you really have the rocks to play all of this all the way?" he said. "And, truthfully, when we watch people play it there are a lot of them who are like, 'OK, I was going to be evil but that's messed up.'

Ur doin tha weed wrong.