She should not be left alone with those children. Pointing a gun at someone and shooting, even if someone asks you to do it, is beyond reckless.
She should not be left alone with those children. Pointing a gun at someone and shooting, even if someone asks you to do it, is beyond reckless.
Yuuuuup I want these. I need this in my life.
I’m really really liking how they’re handling the reveals on this show. They end up introducing even more WTF moments but thins resolve organically.
Super fun episode, super suuuuper douchey Ralph.
I have to say. Kinda might be horrible, but holy cow after my obscure Angel half-reference it started recommending me Buffy episodes.
I love Crazy Ex and I love Devil Wears prada... the rest, I don’t care for, but I’m cautiously optimistic.
Also, I’ve been here for a while and I don’t troll. It would be nice to be on the black?! Pretty please?
Alternative worlds and dimensions, impromptu weddings, surprise relatives from the future... we just needed extra heroes and some Nazies! But it was a very fun episode.
I could complain about the late reminder, but I’ll take that article picture as a consolation price.
I hereby name this: Contemplative woman with a perm.
Dat fish ass, tho....
I have to say, I AM curious about those 1/4 pound beefy dick’s.
Sorry, this is important, but as a foreigner this is the first time i’ve heard of Dick’s Sporting Goods and the only thing I can think about is the second part of this Rachel Bloom song.
Enjoy the game! I’m currently playing Golf Story, Injustice 2, and Rime.
I appreciate your comments, I do like that the first response in this site to these types of comments is an “are you ok?” - and not a BUT MINE WAS WORSE, or Was he/she at least hot? Or it’s not that big of a deal.
Thanks! Therapy might be needed some day lol but not sure for this. And I never thought of this as a coping mechanism, because, as I said, from my culture it was never thought of as sexual assault. I mean, so when in a crowded place a couple of girls decided to flat out cup a feel and then pinch my buttox, and then…
There is a difference between a prostate exam and a consented sexual activity where you get penetrated and stimulated LOL. Not everyone will like it, but yeah, medical examinations should not be your tell for an activity to be enjoyable. Ask any woman about a pelvic exam, or a breast exam.
I’m saying it doesn’t matter. I frankly do not remember if it happens before or after the towel drop. It was a powerful moment. It is a great movie. It is also an example of sexual assault. It doesn’t matter if the intent was to abuse him (I don’t think that was the intent), it doesn’t matter if it was a…
Yes, but i recomend you watch the movie again. Brendan repeatedly complains that he cannot breathe in that mask, and he visually and verbally tells him to stop touching him. At some point the director grabs his genitals and that’s when Brendan loses it.