Falsoman el Garabatero

I disagree. The director (the character) wants to bring out the monster inside Fraser, so he gives him a mask and starts touching him and kissing him without his permission, up to the point of actually touching his genitals. That is without a doubt sexual assault... now, this talks about a deep depression and guilt

Yuuuup. Men (including me) are taught to brush these things off as playful (socialization from childhood), or just punch back if it’s in earnest, any other reaction is inappropriate, and unmanly. We are taught to tough it off and brush it off. It kinda works sometimes I have to admit, as I simply cannot process

Gods and Monsters is a very good movie... but it makes me feel icky in a story talking about sexual assault.

Now playing

Sure. I do have to say that in video editing, I’m a complete and utter amateur. I have done some videos over the years for jobs and for school, but it’s been a while and I’m not completely familiar with the lingo. I’ve started learning again for something youtube and teaching related videos I’m working on.

iPad Pro 10.5 and Apple Pencil. It’s been fantastic for my illustration output. I have been doing well without it, but the extra power and this very sensitive and very accurate pencil have really been of great help in the month i’ve had them.

I looooooved this episode. This is my top Superhero show this season, super closely followed by Agents of SHIELD (which is tighter... this is just so much more fun), and then Black Lightning.

Erm... so that’s how Mallus got inside Sara the first time?... I’ll leave now.

Don’t fart gently into the night.

Yes! This episode gets me tears eyed every single time, and I love that they used uncommon but extremely appropriate music with it.

That is Community in a nutshell. As McHale is an asshole but somehow great.

I have a love-hate relationship with dating apps. For me, they’re the end-be-all (or however you say it) of dating and hooking up, since I am just HORRIBLE with anxiety in person. I have so much trouble starting a conversation or going over someone I haven’t met and saying hi, let alone flirting... It also doesn’t

The songs were perfection, so were most of the references, which happened every three lines of dialog. The episode... not so much. I loved what happened, but as you said, it was soooooo rushed and made it impossible for me to suspend my disbelief. The show has been so good at making everything within the realm of

I’m so ready. The third season was just amazing. It was a love letter to music even more than previous seasons. Monica Belucci was fantastic as that opera diva, and the prison episode was lovely.

God damnit. Stop being terrible. It’s awful that good works of many get ruined by terrible people. I’m not asking for much, I am not even asking for them to be particularly good people. But is it really so much to ask for that these people behave without harassing or raping, or being bigots?

The only thing (besides the final slap) that TGW did before bowing out was introducing one of the protagonists of The Good Fight. Because she is amazing.

I mean, I heard that it’s pretty cathartic to burn photos and other memories of your relationship when it ends. So if we’re setting things in fire, why not friends and pets?

As long as they don’t corner me in a With me or against me kind of situation, I would keep both parts of the couple as friends. Especially if we’re talking about a normal breakup. Unless one of the parties did something really terrible, I don’t think I need to pick anyone, ‘cause their relationship drama is theirs,

I teach a couple Marketing classes and one of the subjects we discuss is the Female economy, as women are responsible for basically 75% of transactions in most developed countries. It explores the fact that women actually have decision power in industries that we tend to define “for men.” The point of it is that we

But that is exactly how I became one!