1. As a gay dude in his 30s that seems to be too old for everything. I’m OK with Dadcore.
1. As a gay dude in his 30s that seems to be too old for everything. I’m OK with Dadcore.
Don’t be conflicted. Just don’t think about it too hard, too too hard.
I just hope my apple equipment never becomes sentient
This is a fascinating article. There is a lot of things I haven’t considered. However I am still hard pressed to rile against sex robots. Yeah it removes the actual human interaction, but it also removes the actual human exploitation risk that prostitution has.
I got a Nintendo account from the US. You should try that.
Best Jez Day EVER
I just want an umbrella the size of my self-importance. SO MOVE AWAY ASSHOLES.
I take offense in that remark. I am an equal opportunity slut, I charge no money for my easiness.
Hyrule Warriors Legends. I think I am never finishing it completely, since these are gigantic games, but I still couldn’t resist downloading the game today. Loving the way it plays on the New 3DS.
That horse ain't dead yet. So I guess it's ok if you beat it.
I can’t believe Jezebel of all places keeps padding this bear BS to us. How can you support bears? They are homophobic Lazy Fuckers and they just don’t dig on dancing!
The funny thing about catholic priests is that everyone calls them Father... except their children. They call them uncle.
Oh that movie was fantastic. I watched it with the lights off on a night with insomnia and the moment it ended tears started flowing down my eyes... I didn’t cry the whole movie, but I was so fucking tense I couldn’t help it when the credits rolled.
On design undergrad, and music school I did for a couple of years, the best professors I had were mostly male. Although there were a couple great female professors. However most of the professors who where bad to terrible were men. I only remember one really female professor on undergrad actually.
It probably is, but not necessarily. My sister has even more volume than that second picture, but she hates it so she gets most of the bottom half cut down in layers so it “thins down” and she can wear it how she likes. That much volume is fantastic for red carpets and events but it is hell to maintain on a daily…
It sucks. I have been fortunate enough that I’ve lost few people in my life. 2 years ago it was my mother-side grandma. It was relatively sudden and it was awful. And I “got over” it relatively fast, a couple of months after, but now and then since those days, there’s times where I kinda forget that she doesn’t exist…
Here here! A family member had a minor medical problem while she was traveling in the US. Nobody wanted to treat her because she’s Mexican, then after a while they just talked to her, drew some blood and run some tests and sent her home to get better by herself. No treatment, no follow-ups. Nothing. Now they want…
Damn I’m sad. And I’m repeating myself but I’m gonna miss his genius so much. This is his last video. Uploaded a few days ago:
Not sure if it’s everywhere. I got “not logging in” part and the store down thing... but after half an hour I was able to play Destiny on PS3 for several hours (grinding iron banner stuff) and there were several players there.
Tangent yet always appropriate: