Oh getting out of a nightmare by having sex with it is my favorite way of solving a problem.
Oh getting out of a nightmare by having sex with it is my favorite way of solving a problem.
Oh, I JUST wrote one about me being a different sex and sexual orientation (or same, depending on how you look at it) and I’m glad I’m not the only one :D
I’ve had dreams where I have sex with women. Also where I am a woman having sex... sometimes with another woman, man or assortment of both.
Damn you, Reggie. I didn’t want to cry :(
Same! I’m playing this one finally. I also downloaded First Light so I’m ready once I finish Second Son.
Destiny and Game of Thrones on PS3.
Chibi Robo on 3DS
Infamous Second Son. Rockband and Shadows of Mordor on PS4
Two words: older ports. Yes, consoles are more stable because of the standardized component. That does not excuse companies doing shoddy ports. Ports from and to PC have been managed from time immemorial, now that the hardware is more similar than before it should be even less of a problem.
Yup. That's my suspicion as well. Trying to save a buck somewhere they cut so many corners with this port that they manage to seriously mess it up.
Good luck with that!
Well, that’s a promo and very likely with a clause protecting them from refunds of any kind. So I’m pretty sure those people are outta luck. But their best bet is to take the problem to NVidia and see if they get something else.
It’s indeed baffling. Consoles now are more like PCs than ever before. How is it that ports are shoddier? I know the OSs and some things are still very different, but seriously It’s just weird that they could screw up this badly.
Yeah, you should download a free chapter and play it. Also, remember, the whole first season is at $7.50 on PS+ until Tuesday in case you decide you want the complete version... also so your progress can be transferred between season 1 and 2. It’s mostly small stuff, but some character’s are either alive or dead…
I highly recommend that you play The first season. Some of the characters and he context are much richer if you know the first story.
That wheel was heaven. I so love my 160 gigs ipod. I barely use it anymore because I love streaming and bluetooth headphones more, but I’m never selling that little lovely black square.
Yeah I was seriously disappointed with the iPad when it was announced. I called it an internet checker on the couch while you watch TV and saw no much use for it... when I got one as a gift a year later I didn’t really want it, but what the hell, it’s free... Then I discovered drawing apps on the thing and never…
I hope your wife is OK! I have several friends that were visiting Stillwater for Homecoming and I am very worried. Fortunately at least one has already confirmed she is OK.
Too much work for the foreseeable future, so I won’t be finishing basically anything, but I am playing some games, definitely!
OMG. I devoured the game, in a week, but I haven’t bothered with most riddles because I hate them so much! They are homework gatekeeping the true ending and I’m a teacher, I don’t do homework, I make others do it!
I heard something about getting the characters on the WiiU if you bought the 3DS game, but I don't know if that was just wishful thinking or if it was something someone with knowledge said.
If you are a new player it’s not 140 bucks. It’s plain 60. The 60 bucks package includes the main game and all three DLCs. So I think it’s ver much worth it.