Falsoman el Garabatero

I just killed the Wolf Pack on the moon if you are still missing that card... Maybe you can still get it. But others have disappeared AFAIK.

It is! And yet I keep playing. Multiplayer is really fun. I think it happens the same with Splatoon. It's a very very simple concept and not much variation. But you nail that concept and it makes it fun to keep playing the same thing over and over.

I got a PS4 and I’m getting Mario Maker. I just finished Arkham Knight and I enoyed it a lot... except the riddler trophies. Why do they keep putting so many of those awful things? It becomes homework to get them all.

Very likely I am too :) I’m addicted.

Me too and I love them! Although I AM a teacher, so I a, de-facto uncool.

Will we be able to play or earn anything if we don’t have the expansion? I don’t want to buy Day 1, and I don’t want to stop playing with other people or stop earning coins to buy exotic gear.

Exactly! I’m pretty sure I’m getting this one as a digital release anyway. Being able to turn it on any time is great and I doubt I’m ever going to want to sell it.

Pretty much. Picross and Picross 3D were my main reasons for getting a NDS. These are my AAA games.

Miracles’ effectiveness depend on how many groups are asking, you see? Which is why the most effective prayers tend to be the ones done by sporting teams. They get up to 50% effectiveness if they pray prior to a game.

It’s mind boggling that they did this in the first place. These should only and only in some cases work for trademarks, not for copyright. You can’t copyright words, you can only copyright content. That’s why many things can have the same title and even the same plot lines, as long as they are not shockingly similar

Lots of games that I plan on not being done with throughout the month.

It’s funny, but those shorts are not actually representative of the movie. Not only none of those scenes make it to the movie, the characters are way more nuanced than that. They are not shockingly evil, they are shockingly different than the regular Batman/Superman/WonderWoman.

Exactly! I was watching it with the inertia of the fact that I watch every DC animated movie anyway. However I was dreading being taken into a 90’s remembrance of the dark comics... or the awful N52 origin movie.

Excellent article. I wish I had something more meaningful to say, but I don’t think I can contribute much. I will say that I’m glad games are helping him cope with such awful things.

I have an older brother and sister. My sister doesn’t want children. My brother only wanted one of his and his step-daughter. Now the pressure is on me. I am gay and unmarried. That was my shield! Now I don’t get to play the “I don’t because society is unfair” game.

The three pillars of the internet are Outrage, Porn, and Cat visual aids.

Girls can definitely handle books! How else are they gonna be able to hand them to boys when they become assistants? Or learn how to walk properly!

I had problems connecting in the morning, but I’ve been playing Destiny on PS3 for an hour now.

They can even look at the south. Mexico City has had gay marriage valid and protected in the whole country for 7 years. Now we have it in the whole country.

Then I’ll bring the babies, and you bring the tortilla chips.