
I loved it! I was waiting for a smaller portable switch, I have tiny hands and a small backpack! I only play in handheld mode, so I am happy that I will be able to switch my switch! ;P

You made me (and my husband) go back to WoW almost 6 years after quitting it. Everything is different, I don’t know where to go, who are the leaders now, where are my talents, what happened to the class trainers? I’m enjoying it, I blame you. ;_;

They really are cheesy, but I still love everything about them!

Well, try telling an italian that a cappuccino is coffee! Hell, try asking anything other than a espresso there! Starbucks sells coffee based drinks (their own words. Some people call it coffee flavoured water). That’s the mainly reason why people are able to drink big cups of it. Real coffee usually comes in tiny