“Microsoft has also removed the official Scalebound page from the Xbox website.”
Yeah, I ignore any news online game news outlets on that day and just read a best of roundup the next day.
Yeah same. Been playing for awhile now (level 11).
Funny, I watched the video on the Game Grumps channel and if you know, doing that is basically their thing, and they seemed to be enjoying the game.
Wait wait wait, a form of DRM that acutally worked? What the hell is going on?
Eh, same “magic” that lets her do that stuff also holds it all together.
“Anyone who has boobs will tell you there’s not much you can do in a bikini five sizes too small, apart from stand very still and pray you don’t have a nip slip.”
Wow, so I guess they did a good job with Quiet’s outfit. I mean snipers do usually sit very still.
How long did you spend with the game. The controls are great, once you get into them. They did have a learning curve (I was rather clumsy for the first hour or two, but after that movement was really smooth).
I believe official lore is they’re gone. They were the only modified intelligence ones and they died.
I’d put 4 higher because it had some really fun levels, but yeah, that sounds about right.
I read about this the other day. Apparently promo material showed the PC DVD logo and I think they did an unboxing that showed a physical copy.
Yeah, I’m FAR into the game (800k+ heroism) and I only see S rank at best. S+ and S++ ranks you only seem to get as volunteers.
Actually the real incentive is the volunteers you get. They can be up to rank S++. They are like a bonus you get for just being successful; they aren’t stolen from the enemy base, they are basically some guys that found out how awesome you were (by invading the base) and join up.
An FOB will double your staff capacity (700 starting + 700 per FOB) and ability to assign staff (max is 100 per department per base/FOB). Also defense/successful assaults give a chance at really good volunteers. Lastly they gather their own raw resources to process.
Realistically? No. I’ve only been successfully invaded a couple times since launch and they didn’t really get anything good anyway.
Don’t really worry, the benefits of FOBs FAR outweigh the potential loss. The only materials you lose are the ones your FOB gathers and you can only be invaded like once a day (if you don’t invade). If the enemy is successful they get 10 random staff from that platform and whatever defense squad guys they fulton (you…
Chico is mentioned. I think during the child soldiers mission they say he died in the helicopter thing.
Those are in the Collector’s Edition. Same ones too (adam-ska, silver shield, wetland box, and blue urban camo).