
I will say that the one part of the finale that REALLY worked for me above anything else was the scene between Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena… and then just Bonnie and Elena. The show hasn't spent much time on the friendship between the three of them in the past seasons but it still felt so EARNED. I am a sucker for

Ahhh you're right. Somehow that makes it even more infuriating. hahaha

Was that Matt scene SUPPOSED to be completely gratuitous or suggest that he's not as fine as he's making it out to seem? I think it's the latter.

Not even Enzo can explain why he went on this vendetta against Stefan anymore! Because it has NEVER made any sense. And Enzo and Damon have not shared a SINGLE scene together since Damon came back from the dead. WHAT is the point.

There was a moment there where I thought Damon was going to proposition Bonnie for a threesome

I spend every Enzo scene thinking "I would literally rather be watching Bonnie's drive to Nova Scotia than this"

But… can someone just explain to me JUST ONCE why if Enzo is just so offended for Damon on his behalf… he hasn't spent ANY time with Damon at all this season!? Like why isn't he just hanging out with Damon on his freetime. Enzo is stupid.

Elena… a "med student" for about 3 months (i'm being generous) is lecturing Stefan about "research". Is she actually insane?! Why does anyone ever listen to Elena about anything. Someone should tell her to climb down that high horse she's on and take a gander through her own history (… that time she burned down her

You are COMPLETELY right! It really makes zero sense why Stefan would somehow be the object of his revenge before Damon. I don't think they really thought it through at all. They just wanted to keep Enzo around and said "screw continuity and character motivation!"

That is such a poor motivation. It is barely a motivation. Stefan is allowed to make his own choices. And if we do recall… Damon had promised Stefan a lifetime of misery. So why should Stefan even think to go and see what Damon is up to at this time. Also ENZO THIS DOESN'T INVOLVE YOU. If Damon is over it, then so

Look I love TVD as much as the next person and I can obviously spend a lot of belief when it comes to this show… but are we really all supposed to just go with "I've never heard of vampire blood curing cancer so it must not do it" WHAT. There has not been a single explanation for this. We literally JUST watched Elena

I think a lot of this episode hinged on whether or now we were invested and believed in Damon and Elena as soulmates or OTP or whatever. The problem I have with this (and honestly that I've always had with TVD) is that the idea of Damon and Elena in a relationship is just a series of moments. We fast forwarded last

I thought they were pushing that too at first but then Jason specifically said he never felt that way about Jessica either. I think they are going to push Jessica and Hoyt back together again

I have a theory about Hoyt's girlfriend that is any more comforting. Remember when he had that conversation with Sookie last episode about how he's never felt the kind of love that she's had with Bill. What if the way he was eye-fucking Hoyt's girlfriend is supposed to set her up as Jason's true love? I think that is

Alcide has been such a consistently terrible character that I actually laughed when he died. If they are just consistently killing someone off each episode, I hope Sookie is next to go.

So "A" is Batman now?? What was up with the weird voice when he was talking to Ali?!?!?!

I 100% agree. As disappointing as a lot of this season has been, Stefan has been a real constant for the best moments. As he generally always is.

If next season is going to be Haley as some fierce badass and Marcel and Klaus teaming up for shenanigans, I can get on board with that.

I have no idea what the hell the Traveler's plot is supposed to be and it frustrates me so incredibly. None of it makes ANY sense. And I have no idea why we are even supposed to care. Ugh. No more travelers please.

The only thing that really worked for me in this episode were the Stefan and Elena scenes because it highlights all that Elena will never have. It calls back to her speech at the end of season 2 to Stefan about all the reasons she did not want to be a vampire. it's just incredibly tragic. Elena's tears when she was