
More often than not during this episode I was asking myself "So what?".

I don't think that that has been established at all. It seemed as if Elijah and Klaus established a harmony between the vampires, werewolves, and witches whereas Marcel had banished the werewolves and kept significantly stifled the witches so the vampires were just running everything. When Klaus first arrived in the

Marcel's last speech to Rebecca was really powerful. And honestly, I don't really understand why Elijah and Klaus feel so entitled to New Orleans. Especially after learning that they left because of Michael. They are the ones that decided to leave. There is nothing about the empire that Marcel built afterwards that

I find OUAT to be one of the most frustrating shows because I desperately WANT to like it but they make it sooooo hard to enjoy! They are constantly recycling the same stories. I feel like no matter what season I watch, I'm watching the same old nonsense.

I really loved this episode because obviously Katherine is the best. However… if they are trying to allude to the fact that Katherine was dragged to hell or oblivion or whatever… umm we've seen some much worse characters on the other side. That does not seem fair at all.

There's something about these last string of episodes that I just haven't been entertained by. I don't understand how Rebecca bringing Michael down on them is SUCH A HUGE BETRAYAL to Klaus when he CONSTANTLY daggers her and sticks her in a box. How is that any worse??!! I just don't see it. I know they tried to say it

Does the flash forward with Barney and Robin mean I can finally breathe easy that they really will be getting married this season! Also cruel joke with the fake baby :(

Is it just me or has Stefan consistently been just the best?!

A+!!! Exactly the Community episode I love!

I absolutely ADORED this episode!! I was so unprepared for the emotional turn it took in the third act and I won't pretend like I didn't shed a tear when Pierce told Britta that her passion inspired him and so on and so on. It was so touching it was like a gut-punch to the heart in the best possible way.

I feel like this entire season of Girls has already been slightly ruined for me already based off the interviews at the TCAs this year. Judd Apatow essentially explaining the lack of diversity on the show by saying he wants it to feel "organic" and then just dropping in the talented Tasha Jefferson during a REHAB

The moment that Ashley spoke to her grandpa on the phone was priceless. She has no idea why people would be angry after she almost gave her roommate potential third degree burns from hamburger grease. And then she followed up with this gem "I just want to crawl up in your belly and go home."

I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS!!! I thought we were FINALLY done with this "Save Henry" plot from hell but it turns out they are just going to drag it back to Storybrooke with them. I thought - just for a second - that Pan was going to kill Henry when he entered the boat with that knife and that Regina would go all "Dark

Was it just me or did anyone else scream "Bitch!" at their tv when Elena decided that Stefan REALLY needed to know how she had the best summer of her life. It was INSANE to me.

I almost stopped watching this episode after the first 10 minutes was Klaus just recapping EVERYTHING WE KNOW ABOUT THE SERIES to Cami. So frustrating.

I think I am tempted to forgive the Originals for a lot of misteps that happened in the pilot because TVD also took about 10 episodes to really find its footing. I am expecting the same kind of time for the Originals to figure out where exactly its going with its storylines.

I was extremely disappointed with this episode. I don't really know what I expected but I guess I just wanted something less absurd. I can't get over the rock salt laced slushie. Like are you kidding me. In what world does that happen. Blaine now might be blind and the New Directions are going to heal him with a

This season has really been great and I completely agree with the character driven assessment. It's really hard to believe that this show is on the CW. The way they really have made you care about characters that you didn't even care lived or died in season one (aka Caroline, Jeremy, Tyler, etc…) is crazy phenomenal.