Robin OConnor

100%. As folks were celebrating in the fall over the perceived NoDAPL win, we knew this shit was just delayed.

I’d say “come to Canada”, to escape him in some way, but how indigenous people have been and still are treated here is one extreme lowlight, in this country (plus, indigenous people shouldn’t have to escape from their own damn land). Colonialism still abuses and kills, even in places where the overall standard of

This is not surprising to many of us in Indian Country. We knew this was coming when Trump was elected. We are expecting more encoachments on our rights and violations of our treaties. Trump honors nothing but himself.

Now playing

People are probably tired of hearing Harry Potter analogies but reading the quotes reminded me of this:

I’d hate if people were to sabotage the pipeline. It would be just terrible if a large number of citizens took matters into their own hands and made completion of this project impossible by systematically causing damages to different section of this pipeline. I’m totally against such drastic measures. It’d be just

Not just his buddies. Doesn’t he himself have a personal stake in this matter? We’re reaching corruption of the kind only seen in third world dictatorships

As much as I know the fascism arguement likes to be carted around, I prefer to think of it as “This is what United States business looks like.”

He’ll fuck anyone to help his buddies get richer.

This so clearly affects many people negatively it’s hard not to imagine sabotage in the future.

Maybe the Natives should arm themselves. Like those terrorists from Nevada. However the Natives grievances are legitimate. Unlike the mooching cattle ranchers.

Apples and oranges + a dash of lies.

You can take bigly from my tiny orange hands.

And here how much the DeVos family has contributed to the senators that will be voting on her:

I was thinking the same thing. And the Right are the ones insisting that we need all these voting restrictions to combat an apparent flood of perfectly executed voter fraud perpetrated by the left, but the only people who got caught trying to commit voter fraud in the last election were Trump supporters...

And the right wing constantly accuse the left of using payed protesters. Project much?

Expecting black people to be grateful to white people for ending slavery is like asking a woman to be grateful to her rapist for getting up off of her once he’s done.

Not only that, but Lincoln only truly did it because it was a more politically useful way to help bring an end to the war. Most European countries had already outlawed it and would be seen as hypocrites if they continued doing business with the Confederacy, so Lincoln helped force their hand. I just don’t like Lincoln

I now find myself wondering, “why even bother with the charade?”. These guys don’t care about anything aside from their own self-interests, and Congress doesn’t give two shits about what they say or do because they can finally do whatever they want without having to worry about the executive branch vetoing their

What the fuck is up with the obsession that black people thank a white person for the fact that white people “ended” slavery? That seems to be one of the biggest grievances I hear lately coming from white people. Well, the least they could do is THANK us for what we did. All those good ol’ boys who died freeing slaves

I made a similar comment in another thread last night and I feel it’s worth sharing.