Robin OConnor

Me: He’s actually banning people based on religion, holy fuck!
Trumpers: It’s not based on religion, it’s only 7 countries full of terrorists. Remember 9/11?
Me: The guys that did 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan. No one from those countries are subject to the ban.
Trumpers: 9/11 was 15 years ago, what

I may end up having to avail myself of Samuel’s services. I don’t know yet what sort of un-American thing the CiC could order us to do at the VA, maybe refuse treatment to LGBT/Muslim vets or identify any patients I have that fall into those groups but haven’t declared it, but I have zero intention of following any

Sure thing. I’m still mostly focusing on the non-disobedient pressure points because I’d like for norms to hold up as long as possible, but there are millions and millions of us and the more angles we come at them, the better. We absolutely out number these shits, by 10 million votes (not just Clinton, Stein and

This is the only thing that gives me hope. I was absolutely ashamed of this yesterday but seeing everyone come together, seeing the lawyers pour into airports and the courts doing their job gives me hope. People in my very conservative red state have gone off the rails with organizing protests, letter writing events,

This is how a police state is established, by law enforcement agencies refusing to obey the law, and make no mistake, when an executive action is unlawful, particularly if there is a court order staying the executive order, then refusing to obey said court order is unlawful in itself.

Things will only get more hopeless, especially if we allow ourselves to be complicit with assembling the scaffolding of tyranny. We have to push now, and keep pushing, and refuse to comply.

The border patrol and ICE have raging hard ons for Trump. A lot of people in our government would love nothing more than to be part of a fascist police state.

I’ve seen some calls for a general strike on February 20th, President’s Day. I live in SW Europe where general strikes are an occasional thing but when was the last time the U.S. saw such mass action???  Like for reals. I know a lot of people don’t have the job security to do it, but dang, it would be huge if

I made a donation to the ACLU this morning. That was the first political donation I have ever made.

General strike. Shut EVERYTHING down. We cannot let this go any further. Everyone in the streets. See you there!

CBP officials at Dulles airport are reportedly still refusing access to lawyers for people being detained, including green-card holders. They won’t let the lawyers talk to anyone, and they’ve even ignored calls from local lawmakers.

Hang on. We need to hear all of the facts first. Then we need to hear all of the alternative facts. I think that’s how it works now.

I mean, he has a point. In this shot it does look pretty crowded.

“Resist now, or regret it later.”

My democratic ideals also tell me to raise fucking hell when someone is attacking our civil liberties and frankly attacking our democratic ideals.

Since Jane who very much is an ignorant slut dismissed my comment, I’ll repost it here:

They bite back and fight back! Never mess with a pissed off pussy.

A traitor to the country is a Great American according to Mississippi.

In the South a traitor is considered a Great American.

This damn chart is getting old. Stats mean nothing without proper research dummy!