Robin OConnor

That sounds awful, but still not as bad as the anti-union propaganda I’m forced to watch as a manager. Did you know that unions exist to make as much money as possible off of their members while destroying innocent corporations?

talk of previous violent incidents, expression of paranoia, overreaction to workplace changes, unstable/emotional responses, feeling of arrogance/supremacy, intense anger/hostility, violations of policy, exploiting/blaming others

I know how it can get worse: A complicit FBI director who, himself, sought to affect the outcome of the election to the benefit of the very POTUS he claims to be “investigating.”

You must need an entire laundry basket when you go through airport security. :-)

It’s absolutely disgusting when you consider that Drumpf’s incompetence got this guy and dozens of Yemenis, including children, killed for nothing at all. I don’t know why she agreed to show up and be a prop. Her husband shouldn’t be dead in the first place.

Republican North Dakota Rep. Kevin Cramer was pretty tweaked by the idea of Democratic women wearing white to last night’s joint session. “It is a syndrome. There is no question, there is a disease associated with the notion that a bunch of women would wear bad-looking white pantsuits in solidarity with Hillary

I said basically the same thing. Fuck pregnancy, man. I saw my fetus jumping around in my uterus during an ultrasound and I was like WELL AT LEAST SOMEONE IS HAVING FUN AROUND HERE. I want this to be over yesterday.

As a currently pregnant person, I’d like to tell this man to fuck the fuck off with his host bullshit. I wanted this baby and pregnancy is miserable as FUCK. This isn’t hosting, this is being bled fucking dry by a goddamned alien (if you’re reading this in the future, little dude, just know that I mean every fucking

So are we a host when we have a penis inside us? Does that penis belong to us while we are hosting it? Can we do with it whatever we want? Just asking.

Most of us minorities choose not to pull any cavalier shit in similar situations, because it generally ends with us being punched, chocked, or having “committed suicide” by shooting ourselves in the back of the head.

People have to start refusing to comply. Every person who goes along with it makes it more difficult for the rest and emboldens the agents to be as heavy handed as they feel they can get away with

Why would he consent to the search? He is a US citizen and thus by law is required to be allowed entry into the country. And if the government siezes his phone which is, ironically, already government property, so what? Let NASA/JPL and CBP duke it out. Unbelievable how much time and money we are wasting harassing

I’m pretty sure I would have just pulled rank, told the CBP agents to screw themselves and have their boss call my boss at NASA to verify my identity and explain why they needed access to a secure device with potentially classified information on it.

I assume they were afraid that the mother or the 4 year old would use their black superpowers to kill everyone in the room in a fit of rage. Can’t be too careful you know, it’s well known that they charge when they’re angry.

People like you can’t be reasoned with. You create a false sense of who Musk even is and then rail on it. The guy has a passion for rocketry and sustainable transit - how terrible. If someone’s going to have a beef, make it for a good reason.

Right?! We should abolish the minimum wage, get rid of the EPA and OSHA, and get some of those young kids back into the plants!

I used to work in recruiting for aerospace and medical device engineering positions. Your statement is very accurate. I don’t think I ever saw a resume with more than 2-3 years at SpaceX or Tesla. Anyone who made it past that was already on their way to leadership/management position.

I am getting hoarse from yelling this, but Republicans don’t even have to like their candidates for them to show up and vote for them. They will literally vote for horrible people who they don’t particularly like, because they know at the end of the day, that they’ll largely get the job done that they want done.

Yeah, same here. Just... fuck.

Don’t worry. This judge is on borrowed time. Once Jeff Sessions is...