I want us to stop shaming people who love their cats a lot.
I want us to stop shaming people who love their cats a lot.
Point of fact: he is showing just as much vagina as Hannah Davis.
I have no horse. None at all. And I don't think the Kardashian/Jenner daughters are entitled to any kind of protection against criticism. I think they're pretty vapid and profoundly dim, but I don't think they deserve to be called flesh receptacles or sperm dumpsters or whores or worthless non-humans. If you'd like to…
Hey, they have a massive talent for making money. A lot more money than you or I will ever be able to make. And they pay their damn taxes, unlike a lot of wealthy people. And while they may be raging narcissists, they also support a lot of progressive causes. You may not rate business savvy as a skill, and you may not…
You seem like a classy kind of girl yourself.
Coming from an R.N., once someone is on a ventilator for any length of time, their prognosis is grim. The organs do began to shut down, often there's an infection and, then, the end. I'm sorry to be a bummer.
Pretty fucked up to talk about women—even women you don't like—as merely being things to stick a dick into.
You could not pay me enough to take a kid that age to such an event.
Flesh receptacles? As in, vessels to be filled with flesh? That's what you feel comfortable calling these five women?
I imagine Bruce telling each daughter a different story, a la Tyrion Lannister, and seeing which version makes it out into the gossip ether first.
I'm gonna go ahead and do one better than the last comment. If this isn't some kind of ridiculous troll attempt (and I fully suspect it is), turn your damn ass into the cops right fucking now. You've stolen a baby. You are pretty much a monster.
Ok, so I strongly suspect that this is some MRA bullshit.
Sorry, but no. Not since I saw her n-word tweet.
Factory farming isn't just for animals. Most crops are factory farmed as well. Mass irrigation, tractor planting and harvesting, air drop fertilizers and pesticides, honey bee delivery; it's all one big factory.
There are electrons in our foood?!@!!?!?JI Do you know what else has electrons?? Electricity! So, according to you, we can just lick a light socket and call it lunch. And hey, you know what they use electricity for? The ELECTRIC CHAIR! Do YOU want to eat an electric chair? Those kill people!
Aaah. This brings up nostalgic memories of when the human photosynthesis loonies were everywhere and I had to spend about HALF AN HOUR explaining to my baby boomer, graduate level parents why photosynthesis was not really an option for them.
Give her a handful of horrible crabapples and a bunch of tough, bitter greens. We'll see how healthy she feels after a week of that. Maybe she can leach the tannins out of some acorns for flour while she's at it.
there's a good chance you'll be swirling secretions from a beaver's anal glands around in your mouth.
You know what chemical in food really scares me? That DHMO, dihydrogen monoxide. Scary stuff.