Why? Have you ever been seriously depressed? You'd be amazed at how us depressed people put on a show. We're also the funniest people you'll meet. I think you're confusing a bad mood with actual clinical depression.
Why? Have you ever been seriously depressed? You'd be amazed at how us depressed people put on a show. We're also the funniest people you'll meet. I think you're confusing a bad mood with actual clinical depression.
Here's the conversation I had with my husband last night: "wow, my family REALLY improved their knowledge of me as displayed by their gift selections. I really feel pretty understood and loved right now. Maybe they've actually started listening to me?" My husband: "you didn't notice these are all from your Amazon wish…
you are being a bummer about a bummer
This is one of the few celebrity breakups that actually does depress me, because goddamn, I would have thought that if anyone could make it, these two could.
I am depressed for exactly this reason.
If two people who seemed to have literally been made for each other (by Vincent Price as The Inventor) and had perfectly subverted the issues of cohabitation can't make it, who among us can? I'll take this as proof that humans weren't meant to mate for life.
Yeah, I think that's pretty much it. I mean, it's easy to ignore a protest that's cordoned off in some designated protest place. No need to bother yourself with whatever their message is.
'Come on guys I know I'm not paying for this but I am expecting a show.'
Best picture ever or best picture ever?:
I sincerely doubt that there was any ranch dressing in that kitchen to be had.
I have kind of a weird job where I'm in a different client's office almost daily, and part of my job is to "observe" and report back how I'm treated, because I'm initially assumed to be a customer. I'm almost always treated well, but every now and then you run into a supreme dick nozzle. There have been a few times…
I had the same thing. Wingeing, spoilt little bitch grand-daughter with delightful grandma. Bitch grand-daughter (who is honestly about 13) was literally crying saying she wouldn't eat anything but spaghetti bolognaise so the grandma asks me if that is a possibility at all. I explain no, its not, unless she wants to…
True, but that was after she'd been groped by an over-entitled asshole and played that card as a great "F-you."
I once worked in a hospital, the same one as my dad, but as a lowly receptionist. This nurse was so horrible to me, shouted at me, belittled me etc. The next day she comes in, all sweetness and light, calling me darling etc., as she's worked out my surname (which is a pretty unusual one) is the same one as my dad's,…
I was serving a grandfather and his teenage grandson. The kid asked for a bowl of chili, at which point I explained that we were out of chili, apologized (why we as servers have to do this, I don't know, but we do) and told him the other soups we had available. The kid said, "But I wanted the chili." Ok, well,…
I see your parallel. It's a good way to think about and talk about it, actually.
What Q-Tip said: *wise words*