

The problem with the sentient argument is, the people who say plants aren't sentient are the ones who use that excuse to eat them.

People keep talking about the price tag, but forgot about the part where the best chefs in the area are doing the preparation and part of the proceeds are going to Slow Foods San Diego. $300 for a charity, prix fixe meal prepared by a top tier chef is not abnormal.

Brian Pease. What a hypocrite. He says the killing of animals is what's wrong with our food system.

I work in an agriculture-related field, and just this autumn I finally got to go on a farm and industry tour. While I really enjoyed the barn visit, and totally cooed over sweet little baby animals, I also whispered to a few that they were going to be delicious. The part I was most looking forward to was the

Rabbit is delicious, and oysters are horrendous. They try to warn you by being so ugly and hard to open, but people don't take the hint.

Yes because it's so obviously ethical to kill any animal with the ease of which will be done at this event. Is that how nature intended?

The commenters saying how "omg creepy and how can you watch it" who eat meat really bewilder me. Where the fuck do you think your steak comes from??? I'm not a vegan or vegetarian by any means but I would be interested in going to this. When I went fishing for the first time and watched my bf gut a fish, it made me

I would totally go do this if I had the money. I'm not sure what the side eye is about. If you eat meat, I think it's pretty reasonable to go do this. It doesn't mean you're going to be turned on by killing an animal. It's kind of fucked up in my opinion that so many people eat meat and wear leather sneakers but can't

It's delicious. Veal too. Chicks though is weird. Hardly any meat on them. I never understood that.

But lamb is delicious. And I know it was killed at some point before ending up on my plate.

Maybe it's because I grew up a hick kid and watched two deer a year get butchered (and even helped in it) but the idea of paying $150 to watch somebody kill a chicken* makes me laugh, too.

But yes, the irony of PETA-esque groups going to factory farms to show people how meat is killed only to have these Pease dumbfuck

I bet Hannibal would have something to say to Mr. Pease about the joy of slaughtering and butchering your own meat. Nothing like some free-range, cage-free, organic vegan.

The logo is for the company and appears on their other products as well, which is cookies...also egg free, and egg replacers. Knowing now that the company's goal is specifically vegan "egg" products,* I think the gist of having the plant in the egg is to show the plant as a replacement for what is traditionally

Our concern here is not about innovation, it is about misleading labelling," a Unilever spokesperson said in a statement Tuesday. "We simply wish to protect both consumers from being misled and also our brand."

YOU TAKE THAT BACK! (pardon me)

This reminds me of one of my favorite quotes about history:

I don't have any issue with the taste of ribs — for me, it's that I absolutely loathe how messy they make my hands. I have a mildly obsessive need to wash my hands if I ever get anything sticky or dirty on them; ribs are a philosophical nightmare.

Until I hear from an actual doctor that this is a thing, there's no way I'm buying it.

She got very angry, said no and that she'd eat it even though we were wrong...and then told us that if a customer wants you to grill a steak until it gets tender, you grill it until it gets tender.