Not to be that guy, but don't we hear this story every year and see a variation on the same basic prototype?
Not to be that guy, but don't we hear this story every year and see a variation on the same basic prototype?
Hear hear. I also have an Incredible and though I was initially scared to root it, it's been such an amazing experience having Cyanogen on that phone. I think the Sensation is absolutely beautiful, but I don't think I'd be willing to buy another HTC phone if I didn't have the option of removing Sense.
Thanks Whitson! I'd been wanting to do this for a while now and this article gave me the courage to finally root my Droid Incredible and throw Gingerbread on there—though with a techie friend's oversight.
Stupid question, but does this apply to the Chrome web app too?
Awesome! Glad I saw this. It was a fun meetup last time around. And those Girl Scout Cookie drinks were potent.
And yet still no push notifications for @ mentions or DMs. Ugh.
So hot. Maybe I won't get an iPad in the Spring afterall.
Thank you! This is saving my poor OLD work computer from crashing Chrome all the time.
I love my Rediform Incoming/Outgoing Call Register for notes. I use it for notes, rather than as a call log, but I love the design of it. I'm lost without it and would never go to another notebook.
What about the gay peens? So heteronormative.
No Droid Incredible love? :(
@HaveBlogWillTravel: I happily made the move from iPhone to Android, but Samsung's interface is a total iOS rip off and this Tab is a blatant iPad clone.
@j.walk3: That's exactly what I thought. "Whatevs, Sokka did it first."
Love the section heading: "What can it do that Nintendon't."
No, UNLESS it's the Jitterbug and it doesn't even have numbers. I'll have my personal operator connect all my calls and hopefully transcribe my sexts.
@Dogen: I'm on the other end of the argument. I actually dig that "menu" is spelled out instead of an ugly, confusing icon. When I look at the new Moto phones, I keep thinking "applications" when I see their menu button.
Can we please stop using the word "fragmentation" as the go-to description whenever discussing Android? Thanks.
"there will no doubt be a plethora to choose from..."
@aja175: That's such a pain. But it should come soon as my update came at 12:15am on last Wed night/Thurs am.
LOVE the Wheeler and Linka reference!