
But then how does shitting on someone twice solve the problem? If the only solution after an apology is for the offender is for us to wait and see if they “do better” the next time - exactly what does doubling down on a statement do to ensure that? If anything, it probably hurts more than it helps

So I get that this is all pretty bad - but do you feel the same way about playing video games or watching big budget movies? Processing visual effects and rendering isn’t powered by fairy dust...

I get the concern, but what is stopping the league from just... making new teams to accommodate the change in size?

I don’t think the same people boycotting it are the same people that will buy it...

In LO there was a temple where you fought super hard bosses. Had some puzzles to it. Don’t remember too well since its been about 13 years since I played it. 

Gameplay wise, I did feel disappointed by the final stretch as I overpowered my characters, making what should have been the most difficult bosses in the game the easiest.

Kotaku: What even is a video game sequel anymore?

I think I far prefer the Diablo II approach, where you do interact with these people, and do fight big bad guys, but you aren’t this big hero that people worship. There are political leaders, they have no clue who you are. 

I played it for like 10 hours after the revamp, like 7 years ago.

I played UO for two years. Great recommendation.

This is kind of a side note and I think, possibly, I feel the opposite of a lot of people, but here goes:

After playing through the first one again about a month ago, the zombies are just a backdrop. Your biggest opponents and adversaries in terms of the actual story, other than a few “boss fights,” are human beings. 

I get that. But we do have some power.

I’ve looked at this on multiple social media sites and haven’t seen anything of the sort. I don’t think people care as much as you think they do.

You’re not powerless though. Over a million people yelled at them about BF2, and we ended up getting a MASSIVELY improved game over a relatively short time span.

Every time I read an article about how awful Joe Biden is, I think the same exact thing:

I mean, plenty of people are talking about how awful they think Biden is. Someone counter-commenting isn’t stopping you from talking about them. No one is actually shutting you down. Just keeping talking.

And yet, throughout history, the only way things change for oppressed people is when said oppressed people take control of the situation. It’s never been any different, and there’s no reason to think it would be different here.

He asked multiple times about why the female version of Eivor isn’t front and center. That’s the question(s) I’m talking about.

“Ubisoft might expect more players to care about the male version, since they’ve said that players of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey chose to be Alexios rather than Kassandra at a ratio of two to one.”